The first of June, was going to be auspicious, I hoped. I got up early, fed and medicated my oldest cat, and set off to free hens and cats, and feed them, plus water plants, and feed and water 4 new pullets. Then I was going to he grocery store and return home. Taking care of the critters was easy. I got on a bus for my first leg of the trip to the store, and a man on the bus said, very loudly, "Big, fat, slow-moving old fucking bitch that makes us wait while she hauls her giant ass on board..." The only social-distancing seat availabe was two behind him. He kept turning around and staring me in the yes as we traveled the 1.5 miles to where I was going to exit. He pulled the cord to stop before I did. But I got off in front of him, because I was moving more quickly. He called me a big fat bitch again, and I said, in response, as I stepped off the bus, "Unfortunately, I have to get off here, too." Once he stepped off the bus, he jumped in front of me, grabbed my shopping cart, spat in my face, and started yelling obscenities. The cross walk ligt was getting ready to turn, so I hurried across to get away from him - he stayed beside me, punching me in the arms and ribs, and cussing away, while trying to pull my cart out of my hands. It was two long blocks to the bus station after that - and he kept spitting in my hair and threatening to commit violent sexual acts on one, and he punched me in the belly. He threatened to shove a hot curling iron up my ass and watch me scream while he enjoyed it. He would step in front of me and stop, so I would have to go around him. No one stopped him, no one said a word. He turned off abruptly, after threatening to kill me if I tried to follow him. I managed to get to the bus station and asked the security guard to call the police. I made my report to the police, and was given a ride home. I took a long hot shower and scrubbed my hair and glasses, as well as the rest of me; then put my clothing and mask into the wash, using the sanitize setting. I e-mailed my friends and arranged for someone else to care for their critters until they return home... Not an auspicious start to June, after all...
I am using the website of Devex is (a) a media platform for the global development community, (b) a social enterprise working to help the $200 billion aid and development industry do more good for more people, and (c) the largest provider of recruiting and business development services for global development. The article from Devex that I use is written by Jenny Lei Ravelo and Sara Jerving, and is titled: "COVID-19 -- A timeline of the coronavirus outbreak"
For this month, I'll place the Devex reporting first, followed by the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report, the Colorado COVID-19 Report, quotes from Trump and his minions last, and occasionally following up with a news story... Other blogs will also cover COVID-19 news stories, as well as an occasional point of view of my own. If you see anywhere from one (*) to three (***) asterisks, it means that I am throwing my own opinion into what ever I'm quoting - the asterisks will be at both the beginning and the end of my own comment.
**** From now on, I shall be adding the complete WHO Situation Report ONLY on Mondays, since it is so large and covers every country that reports to WHO (at the moment, only North Korea does not report) - huge surges, or other news-worthy events will be noted in the Devex articles above, or in news articles listed below the Colorado COVID-19 Report... ****
So, let's get June started:
1 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 1: 6,206,773 and 372,752 deaths.
WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says during a press briefing that The U.S. has not contacted WHO directly about President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the agency. "The announcement was last Friday, as you - as we - all heard from the media, and the only communication we have - or announcement - was actually that Friday's media announcement from the U.S.," he says.
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Afghanistan grew by 684% in May, according to a press release from the International Rescue Committee. The Country's Ministry of Public Health only has the capacity to test 2,000 cases per day, but it receives between 10,000 and 20,000 samples daily, suggesting high levels of undetected cases. The country has over 15,700 confirmed cases.
Cases of COVID-19 in Brazil surpass 500,000. "
From the WHO Situation Report:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
From the WHO Situation Report:
Afghanistan confirms a total of 15,750 cases. It also confirms a total of 265 deaths.
Albania confirms a total of 1,143 cases. It also confirms a total of 33 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 9,394 cases. It also confirms a total of 653 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 764 cases. It also confirms a total of 51 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 86 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 25 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 16,214 cases. It also confirms a total of 530 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 9,492 cases. It also confirms a total of 139 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,195 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 16,642 cases. It also confirms a total of 668 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 5,494 cases. It also confirms a total of 63 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 11,398 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 47,153 cases. It also confirms a total of 650 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 92 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 42,556 cases. It also confirms a total of 235 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 58,381 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,467 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 18 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 339 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 143 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 43 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 9,592 cases. It also confirms a total of 310 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 2,509 cases. It also confirms a total of 152 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 38 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 498,440 cases. It also confirms a total of 28,834 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 2,513 cases. It also confirms a total of 140 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 881 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 64 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 435 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 125 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 5,904 cases. It also confirms a total of 191 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 90,516 cases. It also confirms a total of 7,092 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 1,011 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 778 cases. It also confirms a total of 65 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 99,688 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,054 deaths.
China confirms a total of 84,588 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,645 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 28,236 cases. It also confirms a total of 890 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 62 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 604 cases. It also confirms a total of 20 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 1,047 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 2,833 cases. It also confirms a total of 33 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,246 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,045 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 20 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 944 cases. It also confirms a total of 17 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 9,273 cases. It also confirms a total of 320 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 3,048 cases. It also confirms a total of 71 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 11,669 cases. It also confirms a total of 574 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 3,354 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 16 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 17,285 cases. It also confirms a total of 502 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 39,098 cases. It also confirms a total of 3,358 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 24,985 cases. It also confirms a total of 959 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 2,517 cases. It also confirms a total of 46 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 49 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,869 cases. It also confirms a total of 68 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 285 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 1,172 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 6,859 cases. It also confirms a total of 320 deaths.
France confirms a total of 148,524 cases. It also confirms a total of 28,746 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 477 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 89 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 2,655 cases. It also confirms a total of 17 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 25 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Georgia confirms a total of 794 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 181,815 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,511 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 7,881 cases. It also confirms a total of 36 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 169 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 2,917 cases. It also confirms a total of 175 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 162 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 166 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 4,739 cases. It also confirms a total of 102 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 3,771 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,322 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 152 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 1,865 cases. It also confirms a total of 41 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 5,094 cases. It also confirms a total of 201 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 3,876 cases. It also confirms a total of 526 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,806 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 190,535 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,394 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 26,473 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,613 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 151,466 cases. It also confirms a total of 7,797 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 6,439 cases. It also confirms a total of 205 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 24,990 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,652 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 17,071 cases. It also confirms a total of 285 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 233,019 cases. It also confirms a total of 33,415 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 581 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 16,884 cases. It also confirms a total of 892 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 308 cases. It also confirms a total of 29 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 739 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 11,308 cases. It also confirms a total of 41 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 1,962 cases. It also confirms a total of 64 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 1,064 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 27,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 212 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 1,817 cases. It also confirms a total of 16 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,066 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,220 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 2 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 288 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 156 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,675 cases. It also confirms a total of 70 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,028 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 771 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 284 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 7,819 cases. It also confirms a total of 115 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 1,773 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 1,265 cases. It also confirms a total of 77 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 616 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 200 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 530 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 335 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 1,871 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 87,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,779 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 8,251 cases. It also confirms a total of 295 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 98 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 179 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 324 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 7,907 cases. It also confirms a total of 205 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 254 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 224 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 24 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 1,572 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 46,442 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,956 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 19 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,154 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 885 cases. It also confirms a total of 35 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 958 cases. It also confirms a total of 64 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 10,162 cases. It also confirms a total of 287 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 2,226 cases. It also confirms a total of 133 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 22 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,4119 cases. It also confirms a total of 236 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 11,437 cases. It also confirms a total of 49 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 72,460 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,543 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 627 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 13,018 cases. It also confirms a total of 330 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 8 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 986 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 155,671 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,371 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 18,086 cases. It also confirms a total of 957 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 23,786 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,064 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 32,500 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,410 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 3,776 cases. It also confirms a total of 136 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 56,910 cases. It also confirms a total of 38 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 471 cases. It also confirms 1 death.
Romania confirms a total of 19,257 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,262 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 414,878 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,855 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 370 cases. It also confirms 1 death.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 18 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 41 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 26 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 687 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 235 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 85,261 cases. It also confirms a total of 503 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 3,645 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 11,412 cases. It also confirms a total of 243 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 11 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 861 cases. It also confirms a total of 46 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 34,884 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,522 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,478 cases. It also confirms a total of 106 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 1,976 cases. It also confirms a total of 78 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 32,683 cases. It also confirms a total of 683 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 11,190503 cases. It also confirms a total of 271 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 994 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 239,801 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 1,633 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 5,026 cases. It also confirms a total of 286 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 14 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Sweden confirms a total of 37,542 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,395 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 30,779 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,656 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 122 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 3,930 cases. It also confirms a total of 47 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,082 cases. It also confirms a total of 57 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 442 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 117 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,077 cases. It also confirms a total of 48 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 163,942 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,540 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 13 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 358 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 24,012 cases. It also confirms a total of 718 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 34,557 cases. It also confirms a total of 264 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 274,766 cases. It also confirms a total of 38,489 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 1,734,040 cases. It also confirms a total of 102,640 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 69 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 825 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 3,662 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 1,459 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 328 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 327 cases. It also confirms a total of 81 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,057 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 178 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise ship
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
6,265,496 cases 375,526 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,811,370 cases 105,165 deaths
1,850,000 cases 107,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
26,577 cases 1,458 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Source: The Washington Post - Religion - Written by Michelle Boorstein and Sarah Pulliam Bailey; posted online at 7:08 pm EDT on Monday, 1 June 2020
"Episcopal Bishop on President Trump: 'Everything He Has Said And Done Is To Inflame Violence'
The Right Reverend Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, was seething.
President Trump had just visited St. John's Episcopal Church, which sits across from the White House. It was a day after a fire was set in the basement of the historic building amid protests over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.
Before heading to the church, where presidents have worshiped since the days of James Madison, Trump gave a speech emphasizing the importance of law and order. Federal police officers then used force to clear a large crowd of peaceful demonstrators from the street between the White House and the church, apparently so Trump could make the visit.
"I am outraged," Budde said in a telephone interview a short time later, pausing between the words to emphasize her anger as her voice slightly trembled.
She said she had not been given any notice that Trump would be visiting the church, and did not approve of the manner in which the area was secured for his appearance.
"I am the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and was not given even a courtesy call, that they would be clearing [the area] with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop," Budde said.
She excoriated the president for standing in front of the church - its windows boarded up with plywood - holding up a Bible, which Budde said "declares that God is love."
"Everything he has said and done is to inflame violence," Budde said of the president. "We need moral leadership, and he's done everything to divide us."
In a written statement, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, head of the Episcopal denomination, accused Trump of using "a church building and the Holy Bible for partisan political purposes."
"This was done in a time o f deep hurt and pain in our country, and his action did nothing to help us or heal us," Curry wrote.
"The prophet Micah taught that the Lord requires us to 'do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God,'" he continued, calling on Trump and others in power to be moral. "For the sake of George Floyd, For all who have wrongly suffered, and for the sake of us all, we need leaders to help us to be 'one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.' "
Budde and Curry are among the pantheon of progressive religious leaders who have long been critical of Trump's political agenda. The Episcopal Church's policies include supporting abortion rights, refugee settlement, and expansion of health care and other issues that Trump has opposed or not embraced. According to the Pew Research Center, 49 percent of Episcopalians are Democrats or lean Democratic, compared with 39 percent of church members who are Republican or lean Republican.
Trump's longtime religious allies, who are far more conservative on both domestic and foreign policy, saw his walk to St. John's much differently. "What kind of church do I need PERMISSION to attend," tweeted Pastor Mark Burns of South Carolina after Budde and others said Trump should have let them know he was coming. "Jesus welcomes All."
Johnnie Moore, a spokesman for several of Trump's evangelical religious advisers, tweeted favorably about the incident as well.
"I will never forget seeing @POTUS @realDonaldTrump slowly & in-total-command walk from the @WhiteHouse across Lafayette Square to St. John's Church defying those who aim to derail our national healing by spreading fear, hate & Anarchy," he wrote. "After just saying, 'I will keep you safe.'"
Walking so "in-total-command" to the church
Trump did not enter St. John's on Monday evening. No one associated with the church was present for his visit.
Andrew Whitehead, a sociologist at Clemson University who studies Christian nationalism, said the president's appearance was an attempt to promote the idea of America as a distinctly Christian nation after his Rose Garden speech.
"Going to the church, not going in it, not meeting with any clergy, holding up a Bible, but not quoting any scripture, after an authoritarian speech, was about using the religious symbolism for his ends," Whitehead said.
"It was a signal to the people that embrace the idea of a Christian nation, that he will defend Christianity in the public sphere," Whitehead said. "He said he'll make America safe. That raised the question, for whom? It's largely for white, mostly Protestant America."
Budde - who spent 18 years as a rector in Minneapolis before being elected bishop of the Washington diocese - said the Episcopal church disassociates itself from the messages offered by the president.
"We hold the teachings of our sacred texts to be so rounding to our lives and everything we do," she said. "It is about love of neighbor and sacrificial love and justice."
Following a tradition set by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Trump attended a service in St. John's before his swearing-in ceremony in 2017. He visited the church again that year to mark a national day of prayer for victims of Hurricane Harvey and in 2019 on St. Patrick's Day.
Budde said she learned he was headed back to the yellow 19th century building on Monday by watching the news. "No one knew this was happening," she said. "I don't want President Trump speaking for St. John's."
Rev. Robert W. Fisher, the church rector, said he felt blindsided by the visit. Usually, the White House gives the church at least 30 minutes notice before the president comes by.
"We want St. John's to be a space for grace, as a place where you can breathe," he said. "Being used as a prop, it really takes away from what we're trying to do."
Earlier in the day, Fisher said, he and other clergy were outside the church handing out water bottles and granola bars to protesters, and expressing solidarity with their cause. He said he left the area to be interviewed on television about the damage from the fire the previous night, and later watched images of the protest being dismantled "with disbelief."
Fisher, 44, became the rector of St. John's in June 2019, and has not yet hosted a presidential visit. The church usually draws about 400 people on a typical weekend. But it has been closed since mid-March due to the broad shutdown restrictions in place to combat the novel coronavirus.
Damage to the building from Sunday night's fire and vandalism will cost at least $20,000 to repair, Fisher said. But he said the destruction should not become the focus of what has been happening in the streets outside the White House.
Fisher said that when people have talked about the church being burned, he has tried to redirect them, saying it was likely one person who does not represent the majority of people protesting.
"That has pulled away from the more important message that we have to address racism in this country," he said. "
2 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 2: 6,325,303 and 377,460 deaths.
The first death from COVID-19 is confirmed in the Rohingya refugees camps in Bangladesh - a 71-year-old man who was treated at the camp's isolation center. "
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
2 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 2: 6,325,303 and 377,460 deaths.
The first death from COVID-19 is confirmed in the Rohingya refugees camps in Bangladesh - a 71-year-old man who was treated at the camp's isolation center. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
6,372,447 cases 379,709 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,831,435 cases 106,180 deaths
1,870,000 cases 108,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
26,788 cases 1,474 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Trump's Tweets today were mainly re-Tweets of praise for himself and praises for Republicans running for re-election in the 8 states voting today. Here are 6 others, one a two-parter, taken directly from his Twitter account...
Source: Twitter; 2 June 2020 sent from @realDonaldTrump
- at 9:19 am EDT: "D.C. had no problems last night. Many arrests. Great job done by all. Overwhelming force. Domination. Likewise, Minneapolis was great (thank you, President Trump!). "
- at 9:33 am EDT: "Yesterday was a bad day for the Cuomo Brothers. New York was lost to looters, thugs, Radical Left, and all others [sic] forms of Lowlife & Scum. The Governor refuses to accept my offer of a dominating National Guard. NYC was ripped to pieces. Likewise, Fredo's ratings are down 50%! "
- at 11:18 am EDT: "SILENT MAJORITY!"
- at 2:27 pm EDT: "My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln. Passed Opportunity Zones with @SenatorTimScott, guaranteed funding for HBCU's, School Choice, passed Criminal Justice Reform, lowest Black unemployment, pverty, and crime rates in history...
- at 3:56 pm EDT: "Sleepy Joe has been in politics for 40 years, and did nothing. Noe he pretends to have the answers. He doesn't even know the questions. Weakness will never beat anarchists, looters or thugs, and Joe has been politically weak all of his life. LAW & ORDER!"
- at 7:22 pm EDT: "Washington, D.C., was the safest place on earth last night!"
Source: CNN: THE PO!NT with Chris Cillizza; Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large; Updated at 7:06 pm EDT, Tuesday, 2 June 2020
"8 Words That Reveal Republicans' Total Complicity With Trump
On Tuesday afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was asked about President Donald Trump's speech Monday night and decision to forcibly remove peaceful protesters ahead of a photo op in front of St. John's Church.
"I'm not going to critique other people's performances," offered the highest ranking Republican elected leader in Congress.
Those eight words amount to a remarkable abdication of McConnell's role as a leader, in his own right, of one of the two major parties in the country. But depressingly, McConnell's response was the rule rather than the exception among his Senate GOP colleagues.
"I didn't follow, I'm sorry," said Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy.
"Didn't really see it," said Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson.
"I was grateful for the President's leadership," said Montana Sen. Steve Daines.
Uhh, OK. Let's be very clear what happened here. The President of the United States delivered a speech about the need to "dominate" the streets in the wake of protests that have arisen following the death of George Floyd, a black man who was held down and killed while in Minneapolis police custody.
Then the President, in a transparent attempt to push back on the story line that he had to be whisked to a bunker below the White House to protect him from protesters in DC last Friday, strolled across H Street to St. John's Church and held a Bible aloft ahortly after police had forcefully cleared peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park.
Yes, that all happened. In America. In 2020. Amid ongoing protests and riots. And a global pandemic.
For McConnell to refuse to comment on "other people's performances" when the stakes are this high and the President's behavior is this abnormal is simply more evidence of how complete the GOP's complicity in Trump's radical approach to the presidency actually is.
The Point: Moments of crisis like this one demand politicians willing to step beyond their partisan bubbles to, you know, lead. This is not that. "
3 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
** Devex has not updated their web page or article regarding COVID-19 as of 8 pm MDT on 3 June 2020 **
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
Trump's Tweets today were mainly re-Tweets of praise for himself and praises for Republicans running for re-election in the 8 states voting today. Here are 6 others, one a two-parter, taken directly from his Twitter account...
Source: Twitter; 2 June 2020 sent from @realDonaldTrump
- at 9:19 am EDT: "D.C. had no problems last night. Many arrests. Great job done by all. Overwhelming force. Domination. Likewise, Minneapolis was great (thank you, President Trump!). "
- at 9:33 am EDT: "Yesterday was a bad day for the Cuomo Brothers. New York was lost to looters, thugs, Radical Left, and all others [sic] forms of Lowlife & Scum. The Governor refuses to accept my offer of a dominating National Guard. NYC was ripped to pieces. Likewise, Fredo's ratings are down 50%! "
- at 11:18 am EDT: "SILENT MAJORITY!"
- at 2:27 pm EDT: "My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln. Passed Opportunity Zones with @SenatorTimScott, guaranteed funding for HBCU's, School Choice, passed Criminal Justice Reform, lowest Black unemployment, pverty, and crime rates in history...
- at 3:56 pm EDT: "Sleepy Joe has been in politics for 40 years, and did nothing. Noe he pretends to have the answers. He doesn't even know the questions. Weakness will never beat anarchists, looters or thugs, and Joe has been politically weak all of his life. LAW & ORDER!"
- at 7:22 pm EDT: "Washington, D.C., was the safest place on earth last night!"
Source: CNN: THE PO!NT with Chris Cillizza; Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large; Updated at 7:06 pm EDT, Tuesday, 2 June 2020
"8 Words That Reveal Republicans' Total Complicity With Trump
On Tuesday afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was asked about President Donald Trump's speech Monday night and decision to forcibly remove peaceful protesters ahead of a photo op in front of St. John's Church.
"I'm not going to critique other people's performances," offered the highest ranking Republican elected leader in Congress.
Those eight words amount to a remarkable abdication of McConnell's role as a leader, in his own right, of one of the two major parties in the country. But depressingly, McConnell's response was the rule rather than the exception among his Senate GOP colleagues.
"I didn't follow, I'm sorry," said Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy.
"Didn't really see it," said Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson.
"I was grateful for the President's leadership," said Montana Sen. Steve Daines.
Uhh, OK. Let's be very clear what happened here. The President of the United States delivered a speech about the need to "dominate" the streets in the wake of protests that have arisen following the death of George Floyd, a black man who was held down and killed while in Minneapolis police custody.
Then the President, in a transparent attempt to push back on the story line that he had to be whisked to a bunker below the White House to protect him from protesters in DC last Friday, strolled across H Street to St. John's Church and held a Bible aloft ahortly after police had forcefully cleared peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park.
Yes, that all happened. In America. In 2020. Amid ongoing protests and riots. And a global pandemic.
For McConnell to refuse to comment on "other people's performances" when the stakes are this high and the President's behavior is this abnormal is simply more evidence of how complete the GOP's complicity in Trump's radical approach to the presidency actually is.
The Point: Moments of crisis like this one demand politicians willing to step beyond their partisan bubbles to, you know, lead. This is not that. "
3 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
** Devex has not updated their web page or article regarding COVID-19 as of 8 pm MDT on 3 June 2020 **
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
6,429,453 cases 385,873 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,851,530 cases 107,148 deaths
1,890,000 cases 109,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
27,060 cases 1,494 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Trump's Tweets today are, again, mainly re-Tweets from others that praise him, and complaints about Governors and the media - here are 4 Tweets from this evening, the last one a two-parter:
SOURCE: Twitter - Tweets sent 3 June 2020 from @realDonaldTrump
- at 7:19 pm EDT: "LAW & ORDER!"
- at 7:27 pm EDT: "Really sick to watch the Fake and totally Slanted News(?) coming out of MSDNC and CNN. It bears NO relationship to the Truth or Facts. They are merely offshoots of the DNC, much like the @nytimes and the Amazon @washingtonpost. Just like 2016, but worse. Sad, but we will win big!"
- at 9:02 pm EDT: "If you watch Fake News @CNN or MSDNC, you would think that the killers, terrorists, arsonists, anarchists, thugs, hoodlums, looters, ANTIFA & others, would be the nicest, kindest most wonderful people in the Whole Wide World. No, they are what they are - very bad for our Country!"
- at 9:07 pm EDT: "In 3 1/2 years, I've done much more for our Black population than Joe Biden has done in 43 years. Actually, he set them back big time with his Crime Bill, which he doesn't even remember. I've done more for Black Americans, in fact, than in President in U.S. history, with..."
"....the possible exception of another Republican President, the late, great, Abraham Lincoln...and it's not even close. The Democrats know this, and so does the Fake News, but they refuse to write or say it because they are inherently corrupt! See "pinned" above."
SOURCE: The Washington Post - Opinions : By Robert Kagan, contributing columnist; Updated at 10:38 am EDT on Wednesday, 3 June 2010
"The Battle of Lafayette Square and the Undermining of American Democracy
Anyone concerned about the state of America's democracy ought to have been troubled Monday at the sight of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark A. Milley, striding behind Donald Trump during his presidential show of force at Lafayette Square. Dressed in combat fatigues and walking with Attorney General William P. Barr, national security adviser Robert O'Brien and others, the nation's highest-ranking military officer did more than make himself part of the tableau of Trump's photo op and campaign commercial. Milley gave tangible meaning to the president's threat to deploy the U.S. military to put down "domestic terror" in the United States. His presence also raised questions about the military's role as the country heads toward November and what the president has already declared could be "the greatest Rigged Election in history."
The president's call for military deployments against protesters was not some random Trumpian effusion. He and his advisers and supporters are building a legal justification for deploying troops on American streets. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper advised the nation's governors to "dominate the battlespace," by which he meant American cities. Prominent Republican Senator Tom Cotton (Ark.), a close Trump ally and Presidential aspirant, called for deploying "the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cavalry, 3rd Infantry - whatever it takes," against the "insurrectionists," a deliberate reference to the Insurrection Act of 1807, which gives the president broad powers to deploy federal troops. Trump tweeted that Cotton's suggestions were "100% Correct." (Esper and Vice President Pence reportedly advised the president on Monday to invoke the Insurrection Act, though Esper has since said that he does not favor invoking it.) This is the context in which Milley appeared with the president in his battle fatigues. It is the context in which the U.S. Army helicopter descended to rooftop level in Washington's Chinatown hours later, frightening and scattering protesters in a "show of force" that snapped trees and nearly injured the fleeing civilians.
Dictators rule by controlling the "power ministries": the domestic police and intelligence sources, foreign intelligence services, and armed forces. U.S. democracy has been sustained by a strong tradition of ensuring that the power ministries serve the Constitution and the broader interests of the American people, not the political and personal interests of the individual in the White House.
This has been a tradition, however, not an ironclad guarantee. The Founders gave the executive immense powers to ensure that the young nation could survive in a dangerous world. They knew these powers carried immense dangers; that was one reason they added the impeachment clause to allow the removal of a president not only for violating the laws but also for legally abusing the great powers of the office. Mostly they counted on other factors to check the president: the mutual jealousy of the branches, especially Congress; the vigilance of the people ("a republic if you can keep it"); and the devotion of elected officials, including the president and Cabinet officers, to the spirit of democracy.
Nothing about the system prevents presidents from skirting or ignoring these traditions. Presidents have done so for "good" reasons and bad. In the modern era, Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy invoked the Insurrection Act to enforce civil rights laws; in 1932, President Herbert Hoover sent Gen. Douglas MacArthur with 1,000 infantry and cavalry, and six light tanks, to disperse thousands of protesting World War I veterans and their families - the "Bonus Army" - from their makeshift camps on the Anacostia Flats. These and other such instances provide ample precedent for a president to deploy the armed forces in domestic situations. The only thing preventing their use to undermine democracy is the refusal of the Cabinet, Congress, the courts and the military to let a president abuse his power in this way.
Already we have seen that the first three institutions cannot be relied upon. Two of the three power ministries are being subordinated to the president's personal and political interests. Under Barr, the Justice Department ignores traditional rules aimed at shielding prosecutors from political manipulation. So far this departures from the norm have been used to aid the president's friends, though nothing prevents them from being used to persecute the president's enemies. Meanwhile, the FBI is under attack for disloyalty to the president and may undergo a purge of those unwilling to support the president's personal and political agenda. The CIA faces similar pressures. All of this is occurring without obstruction from Congress and is actually aided by the Republican majority in the Senate. Whether the courts will or can contain the president remains to be seen. It is doubtful that the highly politicized Supreme Court would intervene in the president's management of the executive branch, and the court is traditionally reluctant to intervene when a president says national security is at stake, whether or not the claim is legitimate.
That leaves the military, the third power ministry. Let's stipulate that the military remains as wedded as ever to the tradition of political abstention, that military leaders have no desire to involve themselves in whatever schemes Trump might have for winning reelection or any action he might try to take should he lose. But what is the military leadership to do when a duly elected president gives it a plausibly legal legal order to deploy in the United States? And what if that order comes after a contested election that the president has declared "rigged," due to alleged foreign meddling or some alleged domestic fraud? When protesters gather in the streets, and the "law and order" president orders the military to move against that "insurrection" and "domestic terror," will the fate of our democratic experiment depend on the military refusing to obey?
Whether this is a plausible scenario depends on one's assessment of Trump, his Cabinet, the Republican Senate and the Supreme Court. If you believe Trump would never do such a thing, or that the others would never let him, then you can go back to sleep. Maybe the image of Milley in battle fatigues outside the White House was just a passing moment, or maybe it will turn out to be the first in a series of pictures in some future history text about the undermining of American democracy. But if you're not sure which, perhaps it's not too early to start sounding the alarm. "
4 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
" Total cases as of June 4: 6,551,290 and 386,795 deaths.
COVID-19 cases surpass 6.5 million globally.
The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rolls out a new initiative to ramp up the coronavirus response across the continent. The Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing in Africa aims to support the testing of nearly 10 million people on the continent over four months, deploy 1 million community health workers, and train 100,000 health care workers. It also plans to launch a procurement mechanism next week that allows countries to request diagnostic kits through the Africa CDC at a fixed price, rather than having to seek them out in global markets.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance launches the Gavi Advance Market Commitment for COVID-19 Vaccines, which is a financing instrument to incentivize manufacturers to produce enough vaccine doses and ensure access for developing countries. It has an initial goal of raising $2 billion.
(** Yesterday's news, which was not updated until today, follows:)
Following a safety review, WHO decides it will restart its trial of hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment, says WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during a press briefing. The agency had put a temporary pause on its trials of the drug on May 25, following an observational study of the drug and its effects on COVID-19 patients that have been hospitalized, which found that patients that took the drug had increased rates of death and heart arrhythmias. "on the basis of the available mortality data, the members of the committee recommended that there are no reasons to modify the trial protocol," he says.
India experiences a record increase: 8,909 new COVID-19 cases in one day.
WHO has received reports of over 100,000 new cases of COVID-19 every day for the past five days, Dr. Tedros says. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
Trump's Tweets today are, again, mainly re-Tweets from others that praise him, and complaints about Governors and the media - here are 4 Tweets from this evening, the last one a two-parter:
SOURCE: Twitter - Tweets sent 3 June 2020 from @realDonaldTrump
- at 7:19 pm EDT: "LAW & ORDER!"
- at 7:27 pm EDT: "Really sick to watch the Fake and totally Slanted News(?) coming out of MSDNC and CNN. It bears NO relationship to the Truth or Facts. They are merely offshoots of the DNC, much like the @nytimes and the Amazon @washingtonpost. Just like 2016, but worse. Sad, but we will win big!"
- at 9:02 pm EDT: "If you watch Fake News @CNN or MSDNC, you would think that the killers, terrorists, arsonists, anarchists, thugs, hoodlums, looters, ANTIFA & others, would be the nicest, kindest most wonderful people in the Whole Wide World. No, they are what they are - very bad for our Country!"
- at 9:07 pm EDT: "In 3 1/2 years, I've done much more for our Black population than Joe Biden has done in 43 years. Actually, he set them back big time with his Crime Bill, which he doesn't even remember. I've done more for Black Americans, in fact, than in President in U.S. history, with..."
"....the possible exception of another Republican President, the late, great, Abraham Lincoln...and it's not even close. The Democrats know this, and so does the Fake News, but they refuse to write or say it because they are inherently corrupt! See "pinned" above."
SOURCE: The Washington Post - Opinions : By Robert Kagan, contributing columnist; Updated at 10:38 am EDT on Wednesday, 3 June 2010
"The Battle of Lafayette Square and the Undermining of American Democracy
Anyone concerned about the state of America's democracy ought to have been troubled Monday at the sight of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark A. Milley, striding behind Donald Trump during his presidential show of force at Lafayette Square. Dressed in combat fatigues and walking with Attorney General William P. Barr, national security adviser Robert O'Brien and others, the nation's highest-ranking military officer did more than make himself part of the tableau of Trump's photo op and campaign commercial. Milley gave tangible meaning to the president's threat to deploy the U.S. military to put down "domestic terror" in the United States. His presence also raised questions about the military's role as the country heads toward November and what the president has already declared could be "the greatest Rigged Election in history."
The president's call for military deployments against protesters was not some random Trumpian effusion. He and his advisers and supporters are building a legal justification for deploying troops on American streets. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper advised the nation's governors to "dominate the battlespace," by which he meant American cities. Prominent Republican Senator Tom Cotton (Ark.), a close Trump ally and Presidential aspirant, called for deploying "the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cavalry, 3rd Infantry - whatever it takes," against the "insurrectionists," a deliberate reference to the Insurrection Act of 1807, which gives the president broad powers to deploy federal troops. Trump tweeted that Cotton's suggestions were "100% Correct." (Esper and Vice President Pence reportedly advised the president on Monday to invoke the Insurrection Act, though Esper has since said that he does not favor invoking it.) This is the context in which Milley appeared with the president in his battle fatigues. It is the context in which the U.S. Army helicopter descended to rooftop level in Washington's Chinatown hours later, frightening and scattering protesters in a "show of force" that snapped trees and nearly injured the fleeing civilians.
Dictators rule by controlling the "power ministries": the domestic police and intelligence sources, foreign intelligence services, and armed forces. U.S. democracy has been sustained by a strong tradition of ensuring that the power ministries serve the Constitution and the broader interests of the American people, not the political and personal interests of the individual in the White House.
This has been a tradition, however, not an ironclad guarantee. The Founders gave the executive immense powers to ensure that the young nation could survive in a dangerous world. They knew these powers carried immense dangers; that was one reason they added the impeachment clause to allow the removal of a president not only for violating the laws but also for legally abusing the great powers of the office. Mostly they counted on other factors to check the president: the mutual jealousy of the branches, especially Congress; the vigilance of the people ("a republic if you can keep it"); and the devotion of elected officials, including the president and Cabinet officers, to the spirit of democracy.
Nothing about the system prevents presidents from skirting or ignoring these traditions. Presidents have done so for "good" reasons and bad. In the modern era, Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy invoked the Insurrection Act to enforce civil rights laws; in 1932, President Herbert Hoover sent Gen. Douglas MacArthur with 1,000 infantry and cavalry, and six light tanks, to disperse thousands of protesting World War I veterans and their families - the "Bonus Army" - from their makeshift camps on the Anacostia Flats. These and other such instances provide ample precedent for a president to deploy the armed forces in domestic situations. The only thing preventing their use to undermine democracy is the refusal of the Cabinet, Congress, the courts and the military to let a president abuse his power in this way.
Already we have seen that the first three institutions cannot be relied upon. Two of the three power ministries are being subordinated to the president's personal and political interests. Under Barr, the Justice Department ignores traditional rules aimed at shielding prosecutors from political manipulation. So far this departures from the norm have been used to aid the president's friends, though nothing prevents them from being used to persecute the president's enemies. Meanwhile, the FBI is under attack for disloyalty to the president and may undergo a purge of those unwilling to support the president's personal and political agenda. The CIA faces similar pressures. All of this is occurring without obstruction from Congress and is actually aided by the Republican majority in the Senate. Whether the courts will or can contain the president remains to be seen. It is doubtful that the highly politicized Supreme Court would intervene in the president's management of the executive branch, and the court is traditionally reluctant to intervene when a president says national security is at stake, whether or not the claim is legitimate.
That leaves the military, the third power ministry. Let's stipulate that the military remains as wedded as ever to the tradition of political abstention, that military leaders have no desire to involve themselves in whatever schemes Trump might have for winning reelection or any action he might try to take should he lose. But what is the military leadership to do when a duly elected president gives it a plausibly legal legal order to deploy in the United States? And what if that order comes after a contested election that the president has declared "rigged," due to alleged foreign meddling or some alleged domestic fraud? When protesters gather in the streets, and the "law and order" president orders the military to move against that "insurrection" and "domestic terror," will the fate of our democratic experiment depend on the military refusing to obey?
Whether this is a plausible scenario depends on one's assessment of Trump, his Cabinet, the Republican Senate and the Supreme Court. If you believe Trump would never do such a thing, or that the others would never let him, then you can go back to sleep. Maybe the image of Milley in battle fatigues outside the White House was just a passing moment, or maybe it will turn out to be the first in a series of pictures in some future history text about the undermining of American democracy. But if you're not sure which, perhaps it's not too early to start sounding the alarm. "
4 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
" Total cases as of June 4: 6,551,290 and 386,795 deaths.
COVID-19 cases surpass 6.5 million globally.
The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rolls out a new initiative to ramp up the coronavirus response across the continent. The Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing in Africa aims to support the testing of nearly 10 million people on the continent over four months, deploy 1 million community health workers, and train 100,000 health care workers. It also plans to launch a procurement mechanism next week that allows countries to request diagnostic kits through the Africa CDC at a fixed price, rather than having to seek them out in global markets.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance launches the Gavi Advance Market Commitment for COVID-19 Vaccines, which is a financing instrument to incentivize manufacturers to produce enough vaccine doses and ensure access for developing countries. It has an initial goal of raising $2 billion.
(** Yesterday's news, which was not updated until today, follows:)
Following a safety review, WHO decides it will restart its trial of hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment, says WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, during a press briefing. The agency had put a temporary pause on its trials of the drug on May 25, following an observational study of the drug and its effects on COVID-19 patients that have been hospitalized, which found that patients that took the drug had increased rates of death and heart arrhythmias. "on the basis of the available mortality data, the members of the committee recommended that there are no reasons to modify the trial protocol," he says.
India experiences a record increase: 8,909 new COVID-19 cases in one day.
WHO has received reports of over 100,000 new cases of COVID-19 every day for the past five days, Dr. Tedros says. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
6,600,692 cases 389,620 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,872,528 cases 108,208 deaths
1,910,000 cases 110,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
27,360 cases 1,512 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Below is a letter from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, sent yesterday, after multiple opinion editorials across the US decried his apparent support of Trump and his attack upon peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Park and on H Street, for the purpose of a photo:
Below is a letter from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, sent yesterday, after multiple opinion editorials across the US decried his apparent support of Trump and his attack upon peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Park and on H Street, for the purpose of a photo:
5 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
" Total cases as of June 5: 6,642,295 and 391,295 deaths.
The Lancet retracts its study on COVID-19 patients using hydroxychloroquine that found the drug increased death rates and increased heartbeat irregularities. The retraction was made, at the requst of its authors, because the medical journal could "no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources." "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
6,724,516 cases 394,018 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,894,753 cases 109.042 deaths
1,930,000 cases 111,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
27,615 cases 1,524 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Just a brief two quotes from Trump today - he held a press conference in the Rose Garden, and, if any reporters wished to participate, they had to break with the CDC Social-Distancing Rules.... because the White House insisted that they sit close together because "it looks better in photos." This presser was staged because there was a surprise up-turn in job numbers, due to half of the country beginning to re-open during this on-going pandemic. The two quotes:
* "Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, 'There's a great thing that's happening for our country.' This is a great day for him, it's a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody."
Just to be crystal clear what Trump is saying here - George Floyd, who died at the hands (actually knee) of Minneapolis police officers on 25 May (and who will finally be buried on 8 June), is looking down from heaven, seeing the jobs numbers, and saying, "There's a great thing that's happening for our country." Yes. It is beyond belief.
* "And this time, the greatest comeback in American history - today is probably, if you think of it, the greatest comeback in American history."
Absolutely everything has to be the biggest and greatest and best ever in history. Everything - for Trump.
And, yesterday, in Buffalo, New York, demonstrators in Niagara Square were calling for justice in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. A 75-year-old man was standing in front of columns of the Buffalo Police Department's emergency response team. A video clearly shows two of the officers pushing the man backwards and causing him to fall onto the concrete. The video shows blood pouring onto the concrete under the man's head. One officer tries to stop, but is pushed and pulled away by the others.
The incident was called in by radio, with the officer stating that the demonstrator "tripped and fell." The 75-year-old is in serious, but stable condition in a Buffalo hospital.
An investigation is underway under the orders of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who called the incident "wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful."
The two officers were suspended from the Buffalo Police Department. Now, 57 police officers have resigned from the force's emergency response team, but not from the police department.
****** What is this country becoming? ******
6 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
" Total cases as of June 6: 6,742,875 and 395,030 deaths.
A project from the Guardian and Kaiser Health News finds that nearly 600 front-line health workers have died from COVID-19 in the United States.
WHO updates its guidance on the use of masks. It advises that medical masks be worn by all people working in clinical areas of a health facility, not just those caring for patients with COVID-19; it advises that people over 60, or those with underlying conditions, in areas with community transmission should wear a medical mask in situations where physical distancing is not possible; and it advises governments to encourage citizens to wear masks in places of widespread transmission where physical distancing is difficult, such as public transport or in shops. The agency also says that fabric masks should consist of at least layers of different material, depending upon the material used."
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
Just a brief two quotes from Trump today - he held a press conference in the Rose Garden, and, if any reporters wished to participate, they had to break with the CDC Social-Distancing Rules.... because the White House insisted that they sit close together because "it looks better in photos." This presser was staged because there was a surprise up-turn in job numbers, due to half of the country beginning to re-open during this on-going pandemic. The two quotes:
* "Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, 'There's a great thing that's happening for our country.' This is a great day for him, it's a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody."
Just to be crystal clear what Trump is saying here - George Floyd, who died at the hands (actually knee) of Minneapolis police officers on 25 May (and who will finally be buried on 8 June), is looking down from heaven, seeing the jobs numbers, and saying, "There's a great thing that's happening for our country." Yes. It is beyond belief.
* "And this time, the greatest comeback in American history - today is probably, if you think of it, the greatest comeback in American history."
Absolutely everything has to be the biggest and greatest and best ever in history. Everything - for Trump.
And, yesterday, in Buffalo, New York, demonstrators in Niagara Square were calling for justice in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. A 75-year-old man was standing in front of columns of the Buffalo Police Department's emergency response team. A video clearly shows two of the officers pushing the man backwards and causing him to fall onto the concrete. The video shows blood pouring onto the concrete under the man's head. One officer tries to stop, but is pushed and pulled away by the others.
The incident was called in by radio, with the officer stating that the demonstrator "tripped and fell." The 75-year-old is in serious, but stable condition in a Buffalo hospital.
An investigation is underway under the orders of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who called the incident "wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful."
The two officers were suspended from the Buffalo Police Department. Now, 57 police officers have resigned from the force's emergency response team, but not from the police department.
****** What is this country becoming? ******
6 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
" Total cases as of June 6: 6,742,875 and 395,030 deaths.
A project from the Guardian and Kaiser Health News finds that nearly 600 front-line health workers have died from COVID-19 in the United States.
WHO updates its guidance on the use of masks. It advises that medical masks be worn by all people working in clinical areas of a health facility, not just those caring for patients with COVID-19; it advises that people over 60, or those with underlying conditions, in areas with community transmission should wear a medical mask in situations where physical distancing is not possible; and it advises governments to encourage citizens to wear masks in places of widespread transmission where physical distancing is difficult, such as public transport or in shops. The agency also says that fabric masks should consist of at least layers of different material, depending upon the material used."
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
6,855,858 cases 398,321 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,919,430 cases 109,791 deaths
1,960,000 cases 111,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
27,848 cases 1,527 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
***** Yesterday, Trump was extremely excited and pleased to announce that the Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers showed a decrease in May's unemployment rate. Mr. Trump did not notice the asterisk beside that number. The asterisk had a note attached saying there had been a "major error" and the unemployment rate should be higher than the reported 13.3 percent. It said if this 'misclassification error' had not occurred, the unemployment rate for May would be listed at about 16.3% - a rise in unemployment of 1.7%.... *****
After Trump had yet another chain-link fence placed around the already existing barriers of fences and concrete barricades outside the White House grounds in Washington, DC, there now exists almost 2 miles of perimeter barriers encircling said edifice. Does this exemplify the home of a President elected and supported by the people of the United States?
Source: CNN - U.S. - Politics: Written by Barbara Starr, Lauren Fox and Sunlen Serfaty; updated at 8:50 pm EDT, Saturday, 6 June 2020
"White House Wanted 10,000 Soldiers In the Streets
Defense Officials Pushed Back On the Idea of Having Active Duty Troops Quell Protests In U.S. Cities Earlier This Week, a Senior Defense Official Says
The White House wanted to have 10,000 active duty troops on the streets of Washington and other cities earlier this week to quell protesters, but Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley pushed back at the use of any active duty troops, according to a senior defense official.
Esper did move approximately 1,600 active duty troops to be in the Washington, DC, region to respond if needed but the approximately 5,000 National Guard troops already there never needed assistance and the active troops began to leave Thursday night.
A second defense official said Milley strongly felt the threshold - informally described as dire circumstances - for calling in active duty troops could not be met, opening the door to whether such a potential presidential order would be legal.
CBS first reported that the White House wanted 10,000 troops.
CNN has reached out to the White House for comment.
After violence in DC on Monday, along with a militarized law enforcement presence, Milley held phone calls over two days with President Donald Trump's arch political enemies, the Democratic leaders of Congress.
A congressional source confirmed a Milley call with Senate Democratic leader Senator Chuck Schumer on Monday. A defense official also confirmed a call with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday. The official said several other calls were made by Milley to Congress.
While the exact discussions with the Democratic congressional leaders have not been disclosed, by Monday night Milley had already had tense words with Trump that active duty military troops against protesters in DC was absolutely not needed despite the President's threats, several officials confirmed.
The second defense official said despite a Saturday White House statement of support for Esper, both men remain aware they are at risk of Trump's ire and there is always the possibility their jobs are at risk.
The outreach to Congress is part of a broader effort by both men to explain their actions and try to move forward in the face of massive personal criticism from former colleagues and members of Congress. So far, the Pentagon has not agreed to a request for them to testify before the House Armed Services Committee.
Both men have also told colleagues they are distressed with the criticism about the walk to St. John's Church because it became a photo-op with political overtones. When asked if they regret being on the walk, one administration official close to both men answered, "Of course they do."
Esper this week told reporters he tries to stay out of political events but knows he doesn't always succeed. Milley has not yet spoken publicly about the walk in which he was in battlefield uniform. "
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
8 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
" Total cases as of June 8: 7,062,464 and 403,921 deaths.
The number of COVID-19 cases surpasses 7 million globally.
Yesterday, 7 June, the highest number of new cases in a single day is reported: 136,000. About 75% of those cases come from 10 countries, predominantly in the Americas and South Asia. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
***** Yesterday, Trump was extremely excited and pleased to announce that the Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers showed a decrease in May's unemployment rate. Mr. Trump did not notice the asterisk beside that number. The asterisk had a note attached saying there had been a "major error" and the unemployment rate should be higher than the reported 13.3 percent. It said if this 'misclassification error' had not occurred, the unemployment rate for May would be listed at about 16.3% - a rise in unemployment of 1.7%.... *****
The new "babygate" fence around the White House
After Trump had yet another chain-link fence placed around the already existing barriers of fences and concrete barricades outside the White House grounds in Washington, DC, there now exists almost 2 miles of perimeter barriers encircling said edifice. Does this exemplify the home of a President elected and supported by the people of the United States?
The placement of the new fencing...
Source: CNN - U.S. - Politics: Written by Barbara Starr, Lauren Fox and Sunlen Serfaty; updated at 8:50 pm EDT, Saturday, 6 June 2020
"White House Wanted 10,000 Soldiers In the Streets
Defense Officials Pushed Back On the Idea of Having Active Duty Troops Quell Protests In U.S. Cities Earlier This Week, a Senior Defense Official Says
The White House wanted to have 10,000 active duty troops on the streets of Washington and other cities earlier this week to quell protesters, but Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley pushed back at the use of any active duty troops, according to a senior defense official.
Esper did move approximately 1,600 active duty troops to be in the Washington, DC, region to respond if needed but the approximately 5,000 National Guard troops already there never needed assistance and the active troops began to leave Thursday night.
A second defense official said Milley strongly felt the threshold - informally described as dire circumstances - for calling in active duty troops could not be met, opening the door to whether such a potential presidential order would be legal.
CBS first reported that the White House wanted 10,000 troops.
CNN has reached out to the White House for comment.
After violence in DC on Monday, along with a militarized law enforcement presence, Milley held phone calls over two days with President Donald Trump's arch political enemies, the Democratic leaders of Congress.
A congressional source confirmed a Milley call with Senate Democratic leader Senator Chuck Schumer on Monday. A defense official also confirmed a call with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday. The official said several other calls were made by Milley to Congress.
While the exact discussions with the Democratic congressional leaders have not been disclosed, by Monday night Milley had already had tense words with Trump that active duty military troops against protesters in DC was absolutely not needed despite the President's threats, several officials confirmed.
The second defense official said despite a Saturday White House statement of support for Esper, both men remain aware they are at risk of Trump's ire and there is always the possibility their jobs are at risk.
The outreach to Congress is part of a broader effort by both men to explain their actions and try to move forward in the face of massive personal criticism from former colleagues and members of Congress. So far, the Pentagon has not agreed to a request for them to testify before the House Armed Services Committee.
Both men have also told colleagues they are distressed with the criticism about the walk to St. John's Church because it became a photo-op with political overtones. When asked if they regret being on the walk, one administration official close to both men answered, "Of course they do."
Esper this week told reporters he tries to stay out of political events but knows he doesn't always succeed. Milley has not yet spoken publicly about the walk in which he was in battlefield uniform. "
7 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
" Total cases as of June 7: 6,939,896 and 400,792 deaths.
The death toll from COVID-19 surpasses 400,000 globally.
Brazil's ministry of health removes months of COVID-19 data from its website that document the rapid escalation in cases. The country has the world's second largest outbreak, after the United States. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
6,985,274 cases 402,120 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,938,931 cases 110,481 deaths
1,980,000 cases 112,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
28,001 cases 1,527 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
***** Last night, it was reported by several news agencies that Trump was originally going to spend this weekend - June 5, 6 and 7 - at his Bedminster, New Jersey National Golf Club, playing at least a round of golf each day. Multiple advisers had to tell him that with the protests about George Floyd and others who have died recently continuing, it wouldn't "look good." So Mr. Trump has grudgingly agreed to stay in Washington, pouting, because it would be "bad optics."
It was also confirmed today, from sources inside the White House that it was President Trump, and not AG Barr, who gave the orders to use force to clear the peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park so he and his entourage could walk to St. John's Church on H Street for his Bible photo op. ********** Last night, it was reported by several news agencies that Trump was originally going to spend this weekend - June 5, 6 and 7 - at his Bedminster, New Jersey National Golf Club, playing at least a round of golf each day. Multiple advisers had to tell him that with the protests about George Floyd and others who have died recently continuing, it wouldn't "look good." So Mr. Trump has grudgingly agreed to stay in Washington, pouting, because it would be "bad optics."
8 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
" Total cases as of June 8: 7,062,464 and 403,921 deaths.
The number of COVID-19 cases surpasses 7 million globally.
Yesterday, 7 June, the highest number of new cases in a single day is reported: 136,000. About 75% of those cases come from 10 countries, predominantly in the Americas and South Asia. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
7,085,894 cases 405,168 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,956,499 cases 110,932 deaths
2,000,000 cases 113,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
28,183 cases 1,543 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
From the WHO Situation Report:
Afghanistan confirms a total of 20,342 cases. It also confirms a total of 357 deaths.
Albania confirms a total of 1,246 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 10,050 cases. It also confirms a total of 698 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 852 cases. It also confirms a total of 51 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 86 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 25 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 21,037 cases. It also confirms a total of 642 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 13,130 cases. It also confirms a total of 200 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,255 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 16,822 cases. It also confirms a total of 672 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 7,239 cases. It also confirms a total of 84 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 103 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 14,383 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 63,026 cases. It also confirms a total of 846 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 92 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 46,868 cases. It also confirms a total of 259 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 59,072 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,580 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 19 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 339 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 145 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 48 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 12,728 cases. It also confirms a total of 427 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 2,645 cases. It also confirms a total of 158 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 40 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 645,771 cases. It also confirms a total of 35,026 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 2,711 cases. It also confirms a total of 160 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 888 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 542 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 126 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 7,599 cases. It also confirms a total of 212 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 94,335 cases. It also confirms a total of 7,703 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 164 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 1,570 cases. It also confirms 5 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 836 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 127,745 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,541 deaths.
China confirms a total of 84,629 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,645 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 36,635 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,145 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 97 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 653 cases. It also confirms a total of 20 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 1,263 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 3,557 cases. It also confirms a total of 36 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,247 cases. It also confirms a total of 104 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,173 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 201 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 960 cases. It also confirms a total of 18 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 9,567 cases. It also confirms a total of 327 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 3,877 cases. It also confirms a total of 81 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 11,924 cases. It also confirms a total of 587 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 4,169 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 16 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 19,195 cases. It also confirms a total of 536 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 42,728 cases. It also confirms a total of 3,608 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 32,612 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,198 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 2,935 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 49 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,931 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 322 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 1,934 cases. It also confirms a total of 20 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 6,964 cases. It also confirms a total of 322 deaths.
France confirms a total of 150,022 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,084 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 639 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 60 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 3,101 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 26 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Georgia confirms a total of 809 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 183,979 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,668 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 9,462 cases. It also confirms a total of 44 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 174 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 2,952 cases. It also confirms a total of 180 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 164 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 171 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 6,485 cases. It also confirms a total of 216 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 4,117 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,368 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 153 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 2,924 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 5,971 cases. It also confirms a total of 248 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 3,970 cases. It also confirms a total of 542 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,806 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 246,628 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,929 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 30,514 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,801 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 169,425 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,209 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 11,098 cases. It also confirms a total of 318 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 25,183 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,670 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 17,706 cases. It also confirms a total of 292 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 234,801 cases. It also confirms a total of 33,846 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 595 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 17,141 cases. It also confirms a total of 916 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 309 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 795 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 12,694 cases. It also confirms a total of 54 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 2,600 cases. It also confirms a total of 83 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 1,151 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 31,131 cases. It also confirms a total of 254 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 2,007 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,086 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,320 cases. It also confirms a total of 29 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 4 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 345 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 256 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,705 cases. It also confirms a total of 71 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,035 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 1,026 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 409 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 8,303 cases. It also confirms a total of 117 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 1,901 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 1,523 cases. It also confirms a total of 90 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 622 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 202 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 947 cases. It also confirms a total of 43 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 337 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 2,079 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 110.026 cases. It also confirms a total of 13,170 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 9,511 cases. It also confirms a total of 335 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 99 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 193 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 324 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 8,151 cases. It also confirms a total of 208 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 409 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 240 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 29 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 3,235 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 47,335 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,011 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 20 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,154 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 1,309 cases. It also confirms a total of 46 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 970 cases. It also confirms a total of 65 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 12,233 cases. It also confirms a total of 342 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 2,915 cases. It also confirms a total of 151 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 26 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,504 cases. It also confirms a total of 238 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 16,016 cases. It also confirms a total of 72 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 98,943 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,002 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 643 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 15,463 cases. It also confirms a total of 370 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 8 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 1,090 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 187,400 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,162 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 21,340 cases. It also confirms a total of 994 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 25,986 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,153 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 34,351 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,474 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 4,915 cases. It also confirms a total of 142 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 67,195 cases. It also confirms a total of 51 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 480 cases. It also confirms 1 death.
Romania confirms a total of 20,290 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,318 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 476,673 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,859 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 431 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 19 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 41 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 26 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 695 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 295 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 98,869 cases. It also confirms a total of 676 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 4,249 cases. It also confirms a total of 49 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 11,741 cases. It also confirms a total of 248 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 11 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 946 cases. It also confirms a total of 48 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 37,527 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,528 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,494 cases. It also confirms a total of 108 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 2,289 cases. It also confirms a total of 82 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 45,973 cases. It also confirms a total of 952 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 11,776 cases. It also confirms a total of 273 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 1,317 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 241,310 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 1,814 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 6,081 cases. It also confirms a total of 359 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 90 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Sweden confirms a total of 43,887 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,656 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 30,873 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,660 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 125 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 4,453 cases. It also confirms a total of 48 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,112 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 487 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 117 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,087 cases. It also confirms a total of 49 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 169,218 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,669 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 13 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 722 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 26,999 cases. It also confirms a total of 788 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 38,268 cases. It also confirms a total of 275 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 284,872 cases. It also confirms a total of 40,465 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 1,886,794 cases. It also confirms a total of 109,038 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 71 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 834 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 4,181 cases. It also confirms a total of 17 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 2,145 cases. It also confirms a total of 20 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 329 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 486 cases. It also confirms a total of 112 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,154 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 279 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise ship
9 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
*** No updates on the Devex article in the past 26 hours...... ***
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
9 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
*** No updates on the Devex article in the past 26 hours...... ***
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
7,185,573 cases 408,954 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,973,803 cases 111,751 deaths
2,020,000 cases 114,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
28,347 cases 1,553 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
SOURCE: Vanity Fair - 2020 Election: Written by Gabriel Sherman; 8 June 2020
" "He's Going to Broom Kushner and Parscale": "Malignantly Crazy" About Bad Poll Numbers, Trump Is Thinking of Replacing His Son-in-Law
After a botched response to two national crises, Trump's polls are cratering, and "no one is telling him what he wants to hear," says a source, igniting a new round of grumbling against Kushner.
In Donald Trump's West Wing, being a member of the Trump family has historically been the ultimate job security. But that truism is being stress-tested after a run of polls consistently show Trump losing to Joe Biden at this stage of the race - a CNN poll this morning has him down 14 points. According to a source close to the White House, Trump has mulled taking oversight of the campaign away from his son-in-law Jared Kushner. "Trump is malignantly crazy about the bad poll numbers," a former West Wing official said. "He's going to broom Kushner and [Brad] Parscale - the numbers are not getting better," a Republican close to the campaign said.
Long before the reelection campaign went sideways, Trump frequently blew up at Kushner. For instance, former West Wing officials recall how Trump hated when Kushner received too much positive press. (In January, Trump was rankled when Kushner's portrait grace the cover of Time.) "Any time Jared is in the papers, Trump complains, 'We have to get Jared back to New York!'" said a Republican who heard Trump make the comment. In the end, the source cautioned that Trump won't push Kushner out. "This is typical of him and Jared," the source said.
(The White House did not respond to requests for comment. Kushner declined to comment.)
The polling has gotten worse because Trump still hasn't figured out how to handle the politics of the protest movement sparked by the police killing of George Floyd. Axios reported the campaign is debating whether Trump should talk about national unity. Trump took some solace in last week's unemployment report, which was less horrendous than many economists expected. "He was in a good mood, he thinks the jobs numbers will turn things around," said a Republican that spoke with Trump.
Last week, Trump's former defense secretary James Mattis released a blistering statement criticizing Trump's use of military force to clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square so Trump could stage a photo op outside of a church. Mattis had agonized for months about whether to speak out, a person close to him told me. Mattis told people that Trump is a "proto-neofascist," but Mattis worried it would politicize the military if he denounced Trump. "Mattis's thinking was, you can't involve the military in politics, plus Trump could go haywire," said the source. But Lafayette Square changed his thinking.
Over the weekend, Trump called around to New York friends and outside advisers in hope they would validate Trump's belief that the polls are wrong. "He's asking people to agree with him that the polls are biased. But no one is telling him what he wants to hear," said a Republican briefed on the calls. Republicans know how bad things are, but the party still believes sticking with Trump is the best bet for holding the Senate. Last week, Mitch McConnell told Republican senators they couldn't abandon Trump, according to a source. McConnell reminded Republicans that former New Hampshire senator Kelly Ayotte lost her 2016 reelection bid after breaking with Trump over the "Access Hollywood" video.
(Through a spokesperson, McConnell denied making the comment.) "
10 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 10: 7,302,445 and 413,439 deaths.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United States' top infectious disease expert, calls the COVID-19 pandemic his "worst nightmare."
The president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, dies reportedly of a heart attack, though questions swirled over whether that was the actual cause. According to Kenya's Standard, Nkurunziza's wife is receiving medical care for COVID-19 symptoms. Nkurunziza was expected to leave office in August in a transfer of power, after a 15-year rule.
Today, the number of COVID_19 cases on the African continent surpasses 200,000.
Ethiopian lawmakers approve an extension of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's terms after elections, scheduled for August, are postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
SOURCE: Vanity Fair - 2020 Election: Written by Gabriel Sherman; 8 June 2020
" "He's Going to Broom Kushner and Parscale": "Malignantly Crazy" About Bad Poll Numbers, Trump Is Thinking of Replacing His Son-in-Law
After a botched response to two national crises, Trump's polls are cratering, and "no one is telling him what he wants to hear," says a source, igniting a new round of grumbling against Kushner.
In Donald Trump's West Wing, being a member of the Trump family has historically been the ultimate job security. But that truism is being stress-tested after a run of polls consistently show Trump losing to Joe Biden at this stage of the race - a CNN poll this morning has him down 14 points. According to a source close to the White House, Trump has mulled taking oversight of the campaign away from his son-in-law Jared Kushner. "Trump is malignantly crazy about the bad poll numbers," a former West Wing official said. "He's going to broom Kushner and [Brad] Parscale - the numbers are not getting better," a Republican close to the campaign said.
Long before the reelection campaign went sideways, Trump frequently blew up at Kushner. For instance, former West Wing officials recall how Trump hated when Kushner received too much positive press. (In January, Trump was rankled when Kushner's portrait grace the cover of Time.) "Any time Jared is in the papers, Trump complains, 'We have to get Jared back to New York!'" said a Republican who heard Trump make the comment. In the end, the source cautioned that Trump won't push Kushner out. "This is typical of him and Jared," the source said.
(The White House did not respond to requests for comment. Kushner declined to comment.)
The polling has gotten worse because Trump still hasn't figured out how to handle the politics of the protest movement sparked by the police killing of George Floyd. Axios reported the campaign is debating whether Trump should talk about national unity. Trump took some solace in last week's unemployment report, which was less horrendous than many economists expected. "He was in a good mood, he thinks the jobs numbers will turn things around," said a Republican that spoke with Trump.
Last week, Trump's former defense secretary James Mattis released a blistering statement criticizing Trump's use of military force to clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square so Trump could stage a photo op outside of a church. Mattis had agonized for months about whether to speak out, a person close to him told me. Mattis told people that Trump is a "proto-neofascist," but Mattis worried it would politicize the military if he denounced Trump. "Mattis's thinking was, you can't involve the military in politics, plus Trump could go haywire," said the source. But Lafayette Square changed his thinking.
Over the weekend, Trump called around to New York friends and outside advisers in hope they would validate Trump's belief that the polls are wrong. "He's asking people to agree with him that the polls are biased. But no one is telling him what he wants to hear," said a Republican briefed on the calls. Republicans know how bad things are, but the party still believes sticking with Trump is the best bet for holding the Senate. Last week, Mitch McConnell told Republican senators they couldn't abandon Trump, according to a source. McConnell reminded Republicans that former New Hampshire senator Kelly Ayotte lost her 2016 reelection bid after breaking with Trump over the "Access Hollywood" video.
(Through a spokesperson, McConnell denied making the comment.) "
10 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 10: 7,302,445 and 413,439 deaths.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United States' top infectious disease expert, calls the COVID-19 pandemic his "worst nightmare."
The president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, dies reportedly of a heart attack, though questions swirled over whether that was the actual cause. According to Kenya's Standard, Nkurunziza's wife is receiving medical care for COVID-19 symptoms. Nkurunziza was expected to leave office in August in a transfer of power, after a 15-year rule.
Today, the number of COVID_19 cases on the African continent surpasses 200,000.
Ethiopian lawmakers approve an extension of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's terms after elections, scheduled for August, are postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
7,350,698 cases 415,277 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
1,999,313 cases 112,833 deaths
2,040,000 cases 114,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
28,499 cases 1,573 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
SOURCE: Vanity Fair - Protest Coverage - The Trumps: Written by Emily Jane Fox, 9 June 2020
"The Parallel Universe of Ivanka Trump, America's Disassociated Princess
It's a stunning misread of this turbulent moment for one of the most privileged and powerful people in the nation to tell students about how important it is to listen to her, when she should be doing the listening.
It happened for the first time just about a week into Donald Trump's first term into office. The new commander in chief signed an executive order banning individuals from seven majority-Muslim countries from traveling to the United States on a Friday evening. Families were immediately separated and people were detained at airports. By Saturday evening, college students feared for the future of their education. Parents worried that they wouldn't be able to see their children. Lawyers rushed to file lawsuits over the policy. Americans, already heavy-hearted, boiled over with worry about what America under Trump would turn into. And Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and senior adviser, posted a photo of herself in a $4,990 metallic gown, tucked into her husband's tuxedo-ed arm as they headed out to the annual Alfalfa Club dinner. The world was burning, it seemed, live, on television, and Ivanka was tuned into an entirely different channel.
She felt terrible, people around her told me at the time. She had been observing Shabbat all evening Friday into Saturday, and had been unaware of the controversy her father had created, they said.
The excuses and the remorse dwindled over time, though the examples of how Ivanka ran on an entirely different track from the most controversial and offensive pieces of her father's administration, of which she is a senior and central member, continued. Like when she went on a spring break ski trip when her father tried to repeal Obamacare, or on a couples trip to Vermont in the midst of the Charlottesville protests. Or when Ivanka would frequently post professionally edited videos of herself on trips overseas or to factories around the country while the president fanned flames over immigration, Russian interference, Joe Biden, impeachment, and so on and on and on. As the global pandemic gripped the nation and parents grappled with working from home without childcare or schools in session, along with economic uncertainty, unemployment rising, and the weight of explaining this all to cooped up children, President Trump played down the virus's impact and Ivanka posted a years-old photo of her and her children leaning on throw pillows scattered across a floor, under sheets arranged as a makeshift tent. "Staying home today w/ kids?," she tweeted. "Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack' sandwiches,salads (S'mores optional) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal!" A little less than two weeks later, she tweeted a video of herself, bare faced and stripped of the staged-ness of the tent photograph, urging Americans to follow shelter-in-place orders. "Those lucky enough to be in a position to stay at home, please, please do so," she said into the camera. "Each and every one of us plays a role in slowing the spread." Days later, she and her family ignored federal orders asking Americans to avoid discretionary travel, as they left Washington for another one of their family homes, on her father's golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, to celebrate Passover.
Ivanka's ability to operate on this otherworldly separate track - both from the president and from the everyday realities and rules that surround most Americans - was both an asset to the kind of power she cared about and a contrast from her father. She ignored the harsher realities of the administration she was part of by creating a distinct narrative that she could market to those who were open to buying it in a way to both aid her father and whatever role she would ultimately decide to take on once he leaves the White House. It is a kind of impulse control and compartmentalization that the elder Trump does not possess. Her father is temperamentally unable not to dwell on and rave about exactly what is on his mind or the public consciousness at that precise moment, even when it's in his obvious political interest to do so. Last Friday, with the nation in the midst of its worst unrest in decades, he sent out hundreds of tweets. On Tuesday, with his advisers, as Axios reported, pushing him to find a calming message of unity, he suggested in a tweet that the elderly activist who was pushed down by police in Buffalo and remains in serious condition in a hospital may have "fell harder than was pushed." "
***** Part of the reason this article was written was because Wichita State University and the WSU Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology (aka WSU Tech), in Wichita, Kansas, canceled a virtual commencement speech by Ivanka Trump, citing the "social justice issues brought forth by George Floyd's death." The college had extended the invitation to Ivanka in February of this year.
Ivanka responded with with two tweets. The first said: "Our nation's campuses should be bastions of free speech. Cancel culture and viewpoint discrimination are antithetical to academia. Listening to one another is important now more than ever!" And: "Here is the message I recorded on May 18th for the graduates of WSU-Tech. I know that all of these talented graduates will dream big and aspire to make the world a better place!" Attached to this was a 9 1/2 minute You Tube video.
Two of the largest donors to WSU and WSU Tech are the Koch brothers. They are now threatening to cease funding these two colleges because of their "snub" of the president's daughter. *****
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
SOURCE: Vanity Fair - Protest Coverage - The Trumps: Written by Emily Jane Fox, 9 June 2020
"The Parallel Universe of Ivanka Trump, America's Disassociated Princess
It's a stunning misread of this turbulent moment for one of the most privileged and powerful people in the nation to tell students about how important it is to listen to her, when she should be doing the listening.
It happened for the first time just about a week into Donald Trump's first term into office. The new commander in chief signed an executive order banning individuals from seven majority-Muslim countries from traveling to the United States on a Friday evening. Families were immediately separated and people were detained at airports. By Saturday evening, college students feared for the future of their education. Parents worried that they wouldn't be able to see their children. Lawyers rushed to file lawsuits over the policy. Americans, already heavy-hearted, boiled over with worry about what America under Trump would turn into. And Ivanka Trump, the president's eldest daughter and senior adviser, posted a photo of herself in a $4,990 metallic gown, tucked into her husband's tuxedo-ed arm as they headed out to the annual Alfalfa Club dinner. The world was burning, it seemed, live, on television, and Ivanka was tuned into an entirely different channel.
She felt terrible, people around her told me at the time. She had been observing Shabbat all evening Friday into Saturday, and had been unaware of the controversy her father had created, they said.
The excuses and the remorse dwindled over time, though the examples of how Ivanka ran on an entirely different track from the most controversial and offensive pieces of her father's administration, of which she is a senior and central member, continued. Like when she went on a spring break ski trip when her father tried to repeal Obamacare, or on a couples trip to Vermont in the midst of the Charlottesville protests. Or when Ivanka would frequently post professionally edited videos of herself on trips overseas or to factories around the country while the president fanned flames over immigration, Russian interference, Joe Biden, impeachment, and so on and on and on. As the global pandemic gripped the nation and parents grappled with working from home without childcare or schools in session, along with economic uncertainty, unemployment rising, and the weight of explaining this all to cooped up children, President Trump played down the virus's impact and Ivanka posted a years-old photo of her and her children leaning on throw pillows scattered across a floor, under sheets arranged as a makeshift tent. "Staying home today w/ kids?," she tweeted. "Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack' sandwiches,salads (S'mores optional) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal!" A little less than two weeks later, she tweeted a video of herself, bare faced and stripped of the staged-ness of the tent photograph, urging Americans to follow shelter-in-place orders. "Those lucky enough to be in a position to stay at home, please, please do so," she said into the camera. "Each and every one of us plays a role in slowing the spread." Days later, she and her family ignored federal orders asking Americans to avoid discretionary travel, as they left Washington for another one of their family homes, on her father's golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, to celebrate Passover.
Ivanka's ability to operate on this otherworldly separate track - both from the president and from the everyday realities and rules that surround most Americans - was both an asset to the kind of power she cared about and a contrast from her father. She ignored the harsher realities of the administration she was part of by creating a distinct narrative that she could market to those who were open to buying it in a way to both aid her father and whatever role she would ultimately decide to take on once he leaves the White House. It is a kind of impulse control and compartmentalization that the elder Trump does not possess. Her father is temperamentally unable not to dwell on and rave about exactly what is on his mind or the public consciousness at that precise moment, even when it's in his obvious political interest to do so. Last Friday, with the nation in the midst of its worst unrest in decades, he sent out hundreds of tweets. On Tuesday, with his advisers, as Axios reported, pushing him to find a calming message of unity, he suggested in a tweet that the elderly activist who was pushed down by police in Buffalo and remains in serious condition in a hospital may have "fell harder than was pushed." "
***** Part of the reason this article was written was because Wichita State University and the WSU Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology (aka WSU Tech), in Wichita, Kansas, canceled a virtual commencement speech by Ivanka Trump, citing the "social justice issues brought forth by George Floyd's death." The college had extended the invitation to Ivanka in February of this year.
Ivanka responded with with two tweets. The first said: "Our nation's campuses should be bastions of free speech. Cancel culture and viewpoint discrimination are antithetical to academia. Listening to one another is important now more than ever!" And: "Here is the message I recorded on May 18th for the graduates of WSU-Tech. I know that all of these talented graduates will dream big and aspire to make the world a better place!" Attached to this was a 9 1/2 minute You Tube video.
Two of the largest donors to WSU and WSU Tech are the Koch brothers. They are now threatening to cease funding these two colleges because of their "snub" of the president's daughter. *****
11 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 11: 7,415,319 and 417,546 deaths.
The number of COVID- 19 cases in the United States surpasses 2 million."
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
7,482,311 cases 420,132 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,021,990 cases 113,774 deaths
2,060,000 cases 115,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
28,647 cases 1,583 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
SOURCE: The Independent (US edition) - News>World>Americas>US Politics: Written by Griffin Connolly; 10 June 2020
"Michael Flynn: Five Takeaways From Retired Judge's Scathing Review of DOJ's Motion to Drop Case
Donald Trump's own tweets undermine government's request to drop case
A former federal district court judge appointed to assess the Justice Department's motion to drop charges against former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn has filed a scathing amicus brief against the government, writing that the facts surrounding it "constitute clear evidence of gross prosecutorial abuse."
Here are five takeaways from the amicus brief filed by retired judge John Gleeson of the Eastern District of New York on Wednesday:
1: The DOJ's request to dismiss charges was a 'gross abuse of prosecutorial power,' retired judge says
Mr. Gleeson succinctly stated his bottom line in the conclusion of his amicus brief conclusion: The presiding judge, Emmet Sullivan, should deny the government's motion to dismiss charges against Mr. Flynn, though he should not pursue a perjury case against Mr. Flynn.
Instead, he should take Mr. Flynn's perjurious actions into consideration at his sentencing, Mr. Gleeson recommended.
The government did not file its motion to dismiss the charges based on any new factual evidence. Rather, the decision has the appearance of being politically motivated, Mr. Gleeson wrote.
Underscoring that point is the fact that the only signatory of the DOJ's 7 May 2020 motion to dismiss was a political appointee, then-Acting United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea.
A career prosecutor who had worked on the case since before charges were filed withdrew from it that same day as Mr. Shea's motion, ostensibly in protest of his superior's decision.
2. Mr. Flynn's about-face on his guilty plea may hurt his fate at sentencing
Mr. Flynn initially pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI in January 2017 about his conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.
In 2018, he abruptly reversed his position.
On three separate occasions from 2017 to 2018, Mr.. Flynn affirmed under oath before the court that he knowing lied to the FBI about his contacts with Mr. Kislyak.
Mr. Flynn later contradicted himself, again under oath, saying he "did not lie" to FBI investigators during the 24 January 2017 interview, but was "honest with them to the best of [his] recollection at the time."
Furthermore, Mr. Flynn's lawyers have argued, the FBI agents who interviewed Mr. Flynn on 24 January 2017 unfairly targeted him due to his political connection with the incoming president, Donald Trump.
Those statements do not square with Mr. Flynn's previous admissions under oath, providing "more than sufficient evidence" for the government to file additional perjury charges against Mr. Flynn, Mr. Gleeson wrote in his amicus brief.
"A false eleventh-hour disavowal of a plea and a trumped-up accusation of government misconduct constitute obstruction of the administration of justice," Mr. Gleeson wrote.
Mr. Gleeson recommended, however, that Mr. Sullivan decline to hold Mr. Flynn in criminal contempt and instead consider his obstruction of the court at sentencing.
3. Mr. Trump will dismiss the scathing amicus brief as just another swamp hit piece
The luxury afforded to Mr. Trump by his anti-establishment campaign message is that it insulates him and his political allies from outside condemnation just like the amicus brief filed by Mr. Gleeson on Wednesday.
Mr. Gleeson was nominated to be a federal district judge for the Eastern District of New York by Bill Clinton in 1994. He served on the bench for 22 years until March 2016.
It did not take long for Mr. Gleeson, who was assigned as an independent and credible "friend of the court," to become a lightning rod for conservative criticism, with Fox News host Mark Levin dubbing him a "political hack and ideologue."
Mr. Trump's attacks on inspectors general and career non-partisan diplomats has extended to the judicial branch, roughly two-thirds of which is filled with judges selected by Mr. Trump's predecessors, the very "establishment" figures he often rails against.
As of Wednesday after, Mr. Trump had not yet publicly commented on Mr. Gleeson's amicus brief.
4. The president was his own worst enemy in Flynn case
Perhaps Mr. Gleeson's most readily available data points to oppose the government's decision to drop the charges came from Mr. Trump himself.
Namely, the president's Twitter account.
Mr. Trump has tweeted more than 100 times about Mr. Flynn since March 2017, which, Mr. Gleeson wrote, makes clear he "has been closely following the proceedings, is personally invested in ensuring Flynn's prosecution ends, and has a deep animosity toward those who investigated and prosecuted Flynn."
The president has signaled - publicly - that he feels a personal stake in Mr. Flynn's acquittal.
The DOJ's grounds for dismissal of the charges against Mr. Flynn "reveal an unconvincing effort to disguise as legitimate a decision to dismiss that is based solely on the fact that Flynn is a political ally of Mr. Trump," Mr. Gleeson concluded.
5. Trump's DOJ fumbled the Flynn football a long time ago - but the president can still take matters into his own hands
Had Mr. Trump and his administration asserted their desire not to pursue charges against M. Flynn before the charges were ever filed, it's likely the former national security adviser would have become history much more quickly.
But that isn't what happened. Mr. Flynn was charged in December 2017, and from that point on, the government had ceded control of the case to the court of jurisdiction.
"The instant the Executive Branch filed a criminal charge against Flynn, it forfeited the right to implicate this Court in the dismissal of that charge simply because Flynn is a friend and political ally of the President. Avoiding precisely that unseemly outcome is why Rule 48(a) requires 'leave of the court,'" Mr. Gleeson wrote.
Mr. Trump still has the option of pardoning Mr. Flynn, though he'll have to weigh the political consequences of making that decision before the 3 November 2020 election.
"President Trump today has the unreviewable authority to issue a pardon, thus ensuring that Flynn is no longer prosecuted and never punished for his crimes because he is a friend and political ally," Mr. Gleeson wrote. "
12 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
***** Again, Devex has not updated the numbers or any news stories regarding COVID-19 *****
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
SOURCE: The Independent (US edition) - News>World>Americas>US Politics: Written by Griffin Connolly; 10 June 2020
"Michael Flynn: Five Takeaways From Retired Judge's Scathing Review of DOJ's Motion to Drop Case
Donald Trump's own tweets undermine government's request to drop case
A former federal district court judge appointed to assess the Justice Department's motion to drop charges against former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn has filed a scathing amicus brief against the government, writing that the facts surrounding it "constitute clear evidence of gross prosecutorial abuse."
Here are five takeaways from the amicus brief filed by retired judge John Gleeson of the Eastern District of New York on Wednesday:
1: The DOJ's request to dismiss charges was a 'gross abuse of prosecutorial power,' retired judge says
Mr. Gleeson succinctly stated his bottom line in the conclusion of his amicus brief conclusion: The presiding judge, Emmet Sullivan, should deny the government's motion to dismiss charges against Mr. Flynn, though he should not pursue a perjury case against Mr. Flynn.
Instead, he should take Mr. Flynn's perjurious actions into consideration at his sentencing, Mr. Gleeson recommended.
The government did not file its motion to dismiss the charges based on any new factual evidence. Rather, the decision has the appearance of being politically motivated, Mr. Gleeson wrote.
Underscoring that point is the fact that the only signatory of the DOJ's 7 May 2020 motion to dismiss was a political appointee, then-Acting United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea.
A career prosecutor who had worked on the case since before charges were filed withdrew from it that same day as Mr. Shea's motion, ostensibly in protest of his superior's decision.
2. Mr. Flynn's about-face on his guilty plea may hurt his fate at sentencing
Mr. Flynn initially pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the FBI in January 2017 about his conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak.
In 2018, he abruptly reversed his position.
On three separate occasions from 2017 to 2018, Mr.. Flynn affirmed under oath before the court that he knowing lied to the FBI about his contacts with Mr. Kislyak.
Mr. Flynn later contradicted himself, again under oath, saying he "did not lie" to FBI investigators during the 24 January 2017 interview, but was "honest with them to the best of [his] recollection at the time."
Furthermore, Mr. Flynn's lawyers have argued, the FBI agents who interviewed Mr. Flynn on 24 January 2017 unfairly targeted him due to his political connection with the incoming president, Donald Trump.
Those statements do not square with Mr. Flynn's previous admissions under oath, providing "more than sufficient evidence" for the government to file additional perjury charges against Mr. Flynn, Mr. Gleeson wrote in his amicus brief.
"A false eleventh-hour disavowal of a plea and a trumped-up accusation of government misconduct constitute obstruction of the administration of justice," Mr. Gleeson wrote.
Mr. Gleeson recommended, however, that Mr. Sullivan decline to hold Mr. Flynn in criminal contempt and instead consider his obstruction of the court at sentencing.
3. Mr. Trump will dismiss the scathing amicus brief as just another swamp hit piece
The luxury afforded to Mr. Trump by his anti-establishment campaign message is that it insulates him and his political allies from outside condemnation just like the amicus brief filed by Mr. Gleeson on Wednesday.
Mr. Gleeson was nominated to be a federal district judge for the Eastern District of New York by Bill Clinton in 1994. He served on the bench for 22 years until March 2016.
It did not take long for Mr. Gleeson, who was assigned as an independent and credible "friend of the court," to become a lightning rod for conservative criticism, with Fox News host Mark Levin dubbing him a "political hack and ideologue."
Mr. Trump's attacks on inspectors general and career non-partisan diplomats has extended to the judicial branch, roughly two-thirds of which is filled with judges selected by Mr. Trump's predecessors, the very "establishment" figures he often rails against.
As of Wednesday after, Mr. Trump had not yet publicly commented on Mr. Gleeson's amicus brief.
4. The president was his own worst enemy in Flynn case
Perhaps Mr. Gleeson's most readily available data points to oppose the government's decision to drop the charges came from Mr. Trump himself.
Namely, the president's Twitter account.
Mr. Trump has tweeted more than 100 times about Mr. Flynn since March 2017, which, Mr. Gleeson wrote, makes clear he "has been closely following the proceedings, is personally invested in ensuring Flynn's prosecution ends, and has a deep animosity toward those who investigated and prosecuted Flynn."
The president has signaled - publicly - that he feels a personal stake in Mr. Flynn's acquittal.
The DOJ's grounds for dismissal of the charges against Mr. Flynn "reveal an unconvincing effort to disguise as legitimate a decision to dismiss that is based solely on the fact that Flynn is a political ally of Mr. Trump," Mr. Gleeson concluded.
5. Trump's DOJ fumbled the Flynn football a long time ago - but the president can still take matters into his own hands
Had Mr. Trump and his administration asserted their desire not to pursue charges against M. Flynn before the charges were ever filed, it's likely the former national security adviser would have become history much more quickly.
But that isn't what happened. Mr. Flynn was charged in December 2017, and from that point on, the government had ceded control of the case to the court of jurisdiction.
"The instant the Executive Branch filed a criminal charge against Flynn, it forfeited the right to implicate this Court in the dismissal of that charge simply because Flynn is a friend and political ally of the President. Avoiding precisely that unseemly outcome is why Rule 48(a) requires 'leave of the court,'" Mr. Gleeson wrote.
Mr. Trump still has the option of pardoning Mr. Flynn, though he'll have to weigh the political consequences of making that decision before the 3 November 2020 election.
"President Trump today has the unreviewable authority to issue a pardon, thus ensuring that Flynn is no longer prosecuted and never punished for his crimes because he is a friend and political ally," Mr. Gleeson wrote. "
12 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
***** Again, Devex has not updated the numbers or any news stories regarding COVID-19 *****
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
7,629,227 cases 425,313 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,046,643 cases 114,643 deaths
2,090,000 cases 116,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
28,822 cases 1,595 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
In the news today:
* The federal government has authorized more than $7 billion to research coronavirus treatments, and middle men are already making profits by flipping taxpayer-funded drugs onto the private market. One "molecule flipping" company licensed a drug developed with millions of dollars in public grants - and then quickly sold exclusive rights for that drug to pharmaceutical giant Merck.
* States are racing to investigate an unemployment-benefits scam, but their effort is creating delays and paused payments for some innocent Americans who are out of work.
* New research illustrates how Covid-19 outbreaks fester inside jails and prisons, then spread out into the communities around them.
* The Republican National Committee has moved the site of Trump's nomination speech to Jacksonville, Florida, after officials in Charlotte, North Carolina refused to promise him a large crowd.
* Education Secretary Betsy DeVos issued a rule that denies pandemic relief grants to millions of undocumented and international college students.
* Asylum seekers in Canada are doing some of the country's most dangerous public health work, and the government is considering rewarding them with regular legal status.
* Trump has scheduled his first rally since the pandemic shut them down rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Juneteenth - June 19th, the day that the Emancipation Proclamation is celebrated. Tulsa is the site of one of the episodes of racial violence in US history: the 1921 massacre. That the president would hold a political rally on Juneteenth in Tulsa - where as many as 300 black people were killed by rampaging mobs of white citizens - has shocked some historians.
"It's almost blasphemous to the people of Tulsa and insulting to the notion of freedom for our people, which is what Juneteenth symbolizes," said CeLillianne Green, a historian, poet, lawyer, and author of the book A Bridge: The Poetic Primer on African and African American Experiences.
Trump, meanwhile, says he didn't schedule the rally in Tulsa on June 19th "on purpose," but "you can really think about that very positively because a rally to me is a celebration."
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
In the news today:
* The federal government has authorized more than $7 billion to research coronavirus treatments, and middle men are already making profits by flipping taxpayer-funded drugs onto the private market. One "molecule flipping" company licensed a drug developed with millions of dollars in public grants - and then quickly sold exclusive rights for that drug to pharmaceutical giant Merck.
* States are racing to investigate an unemployment-benefits scam, but their effort is creating delays and paused payments for some innocent Americans who are out of work.
* New research illustrates how Covid-19 outbreaks fester inside jails and prisons, then spread out into the communities around them.
* The Republican National Committee has moved the site of Trump's nomination speech to Jacksonville, Florida, after officials in Charlotte, North Carolina refused to promise him a large crowd.
* Education Secretary Betsy DeVos issued a rule that denies pandemic relief grants to millions of undocumented and international college students.
* Asylum seekers in Canada are doing some of the country's most dangerous public health work, and the government is considering rewarding them with regular legal status.
* Trump has scheduled his first rally since the pandemic shut them down rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Juneteenth - June 19th, the day that the Emancipation Proclamation is celebrated. Tulsa is the site of one of the episodes of racial violence in US history: the 1921 massacre. That the president would hold a political rally on Juneteenth in Tulsa - where as many as 300 black people were killed by rampaging mobs of white citizens - has shocked some historians.
"It's almost blasphemous to the people of Tulsa and insulting to the notion of freedom for our people, which is what Juneteenth symbolizes," said CeLillianne Green, a historian, poet, lawyer, and author of the book A Bridge: The Poetic Primer on African and African American Experiences.
Trump, meanwhile, says he didn't schedule the rally in Tulsa on June 19th "on purpose," but "you can really think about that very positively because a rally to me is a celebration."
13 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
***** Again, Devex has not updated the numbers or any news stories regarding COVID-19 *****
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
7,763,921 cases 429,632 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,073,603 cases 115,402 deaths
2,120,000 cases 117,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
29, 017 cases 1,598 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
***** Trump gave a very lethargic commencement address to the graduates of the West Point Military Academy today. They had been sent home earlier in the year, but had to return to graduate - which would not have been the case, if Trump hadn't invited himself to make the commencement speech. Multiple graduates tested positive for COVID-19 upon their return to campus and were placed in quarantine.
The president himself acted quite unusual today. He paused during his speech, and couldn't raise a water bottle to his mouth, using his right hand. (And he is right handed.) He had to use his left hand to aim the water to his mouth and seemed to have difficulty tilting his head back to swallow it. Later, he seemed to have problems with his balance while walking down a staircase/ramp.
A licensed psychiatrist, after watching the entirety of Trump's speech, along with his entrance and departure, said that he would have any of his patients who presented such unusual behavior to have a brain scan to check for tumors or other unnatural brain disorders. *****
***** Trump gave a very lethargic commencement address to the graduates of the West Point Military Academy today. They had been sent home earlier in the year, but had to return to graduate - which would not have been the case, if Trump hadn't invited himself to make the commencement speech. Multiple graduates tested positive for COVID-19 upon their return to campus and were placed in quarantine.
The president himself acted quite unusual today. He paused during his speech, and couldn't raise a water bottle to his mouth, using his right hand. (And he is right handed.) He had to use his left hand to aim the water to his mouth and seemed to have difficulty tilting his head back to swallow it. Later, he seemed to have problems with his balance while walking down a staircase/ramp.
A licensed psychiatrist, after watching the entirety of Trump's speech, along with his entrance and departure, said that he would have any of his patients who presented such unusual behavior to have a brain scan to check for tumors or other unnatural brain disorders. *****
14 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 14: 7,817,064 and 430,605 deaths.
China reports 57 new cases of COVID-19 - the highest daily toll the country has seen in two months.
Beijing shut down its largest fruit and vegetable market on June 13 following the positive COVID-19 tests of 45 people at the market
Cases of COVID-19 surpass 7.5 million globally.
According to a paper from the Institute of Labor Economics in Bonn, Germany, masks can reduce the spread of new COVID-19 infections by 40%. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
7,887,221 cases 432,632 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,093,335 cases 115,729 deaths
2,130,000 cases 117,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
29, 130 cases 1,599 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Source: The Slate - News & Politics: Written by Fred Kaplan; published 1:26 pm EDT, 13 June 2020 War Stories:
"West Pointless
Trump Made Cadets Return to Campus During a Pandemic to Listen to His Dull Platitudes.
It could have been worse.
President Trump's Saturday morning commencement speech at West point was merely dull rather than abhorrent, incendiary, or flagrantly self-aggrandizing, except for a couple of passages and - significantly - the fact of the speech itself, which was designed entirely as a video clip for an upcoming reelection campaign commercial.
Other military academies, like every other college in the country, have had virtual graduation ceremonies this year, with speakers delivering - and the class members watching - their addresses in safety online.
But Trump demanded, against the wishes of Army leaders, that the cadets of West Point - who'd been sent home in March to avoid the coronavirus - return to campus and quarantine themselves for two weeks, then assemble in tight formation (no social distancing), without any friends and relatives in attendance, to hear his words and salute his presence in person. (At least 15 of the cadets who returned tested positive for the virus. In one nod to public health, the cadets wound up sitting what looked like six feet apart from one another.)
So, the Trump campaign got its photo op of the Army's newest commissioned officers standing at attention before the incumbent commander-in-chief. What did the cadets get out of it? Not much.
Trump drably read a long, gray speech, with little that was stirring, much less poetic. He stuck to the TelePrompTer's text with uncharacteristic fidelity, departing only twice - and then, as is typical, to tout himself. After congratulating West Point's football team for beating the Naval Academy for the first time in several years, he added, "I happened to be there," the he said it again, then again. A bit later in the speech, he noted that Sunday would mark the 245th birthday of the U.S. Army, then added spontaneously, "Unrelated: it's going to be my birthday also. I don't know if that happened by accident. Did that happen by accident?"
Again, in the annals of Trump's self-glorification, it could have been worse.
Trump having to use two hands to drink from a small glass of water,
And unable to walk normally down the ramp at West Point.
The speech came in the week of growing tensions between Trump and his top officers over his handling handling of the protests over the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd. Most recently, the nation's top general, Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, apologized to the graduating class of the National Defense University for appearing alongside Trump at a partisan photo-op at St. John's Church across from the White House. Since then, more than 700 graduates of West Point sent an open letter to the class of 2020, urging them to value their oath to the Constitution above any demand of loyalty from a political official. Trump referred to none of this in his speech.
There was one moment of unintended irony in the speech, and one has to wonder whether it was the work of a subversive speechwriter. "What has historically made America unique," he said, "is the durability of institutions against the passions and prejudices of the moment" - this, read by a president who has openly sought to destroy the nation's institutions with unequaled passion and prejudice.
Otherwise, Trump delivered a stream of clichés, capped by occasional falsifications of his own contribution to the national defense. For instance, he boasted,"My administration has embarked on a colossal rebuilding of the American armed forces, a record like no other." In fact, Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan rebuilt more colossally. He said we're building a hypersonic missile that can fly "17 times faster" than any other missile and land "14 inches" from a target. Actually, as John Pike of notes, the hypersonic missile (a) is still in development, (b) might fly at 17 times faster than the speed of sound (many current missiles can already fly almost as fast as that), and (c) will need to be tested before any claims can be made about its accuracy.
Trump also falsely contrasted his performance with that of his predecessors, saying, "After years of devastating budget cuts and a military that was totally depleted from these endless wars, we have invested over $2 trillion" - adding, in another departure from the script, "trillion, that's with a t" - "in the most powerful fighting force by far on the planet earth." In fact, his two predecessors, Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, substantially increased defense spending. The notion that the military was "depleted" is just nonsense; when Obama left office, the U.S. armed forces, for good or ill, were still firing bullets, dropping bombs, and launching missiles in plenty of countries and training to do so in plenty more. Trump has certainly boosted the budget still higher, but, as his secretary of defense, Mark Esper, noted last week, this has led to a problem: The nation cannot afford to buy all the weapons that the military plans to buy. Choices will have to be made. New concepts of defense and deterrence may have to be devised. Some members of West Point's class of 2020 may be among those making these decisions. Trump did not hint that difficult days, of this sort, lie ahead.
Nor did he lay out any of the strategic dilemmas facing the United States more broadly. President Obama discussed some of these dilemmas in his own West Point commencement address in 2014 - the tensions between U. S. interests and ideals, between the primary aim of protecting the nation, and the secondary but still occasionally vital one of aiding allies and preserving freedom abroad.
Trump touched on this issue but came down hard, as he usually does, on one side. "We are ending the era of endless wars," he told the graduating cadets. "In its place is a renewed, clear-eyed focus on defending America's vital interests. It is not the duty of American troops to solve ancient conflicts in faraway lands that many people have never even heard of. We are not the policemen of the world... But if our people are threatened, we will never, ever hesitate to act."
In one sense, this is laudable - though it's not news: it's a repetition of the "America First" slogan he's been hawking since running for president. But it raises awkward facts. First, Trump himself is still embroiled in some of these distant wars: sending arms to Saudi Arabia, which are then used in Yemen; killing Iranian military leaders in Iraq; and there are still troops fighting in Afghanistan.
Second, perhaps without knowing it, Trump echoed the words of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in 1938, when, setting the stage for his "appeasement" policy, he opposed the ides of fighting off the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia, dismissing it as "a quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know nothing."
Earlier in his speech, Trump invoked the proud tradition of West Point graduates-turned-generals, leading brave troops to battle in Normandy, the Pacific Islands, and other theaters of war. Yet the Trumps of those days scorned Roosevelt for sending American men to places that "many people have never heard of." Can an Army be raised, inspired, sustained solely on protecting the homeland - or at least without some discussion of how to define "vital national interests"?
If the only task of a military is to defend our borders (and an honest debate can be had on this point), we don't need to spend trillions of dollars on defense; we might not need to graduate 1,107 cadets each year from a place like West Point.
Certainly, the cadets could easily have heard this speech from the comforts of their homes before being sent out to the hard world to fight wars or maintain a peace of which their current commander-in-chief has no understanding. "
15 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 15: 7,949,973 and 434,181 deaths.
It took over two months for the world to reach the initial 100,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 - but more than 100,000 new cases have been reported almost every day of the past two weeks, WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says during a press briefing. Nearly 75% of these new cases have come from 10 countries, which are mostly in the Americas and South Asia.
Influenza surveillance has been suspended or is declining in many countries, Tedros says at the briefing. The reasons include the reallocation of staff and supplies to fight COVID-19, as well as overburdened laboratories and transport restrictions. Compared with the last three years, the health agency has seen a dramatic decrease in the number of specimens tested for influenza globally.
Tedros confirms that the U. S. is still a member of WHO. On May 29, U.S. President Donald Trump said during a press conference that the country is "terminating" its relationship with WHO.
The U. S. Food and Drug Administration revokes authorization for the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, following several clinical trials suggesting that the drug is ineffective. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
8,014,554 cases 436,306 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,113,366 cases 116,135 deaths
2,160,000 cases 118,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
29, 299 cases 1,605 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
****** The world now, officially, has more than 8 million confirmed COVI-19 cases ******
****** The world now, officially, has more than 8 million confirmed COVI-19 cases ******
From the WHO Situation Report:
Afghanistan confirms a total of 25,527 cases. It also confirms a total of 476 deaths.
Albania confirms a total of 1,590 cases. It also confirms a total of 36 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 10,919 cases. It also confirms a total of 767 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 853 cases. It also confirms a total of 51 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 140 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 26 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 30,295 cases. It also confirms a total of 819 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 17,064 cases. It also confirms a total of 285 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,320 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 17,038 cases. It also confirms a total of 6727 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 9,957 cases. It also confirms a total of 119 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 103 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 18,544 cases. It also confirms a total of 43 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 87,520 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,171 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 96 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 53,973 cases. It also confirms a total of 308 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 60,029 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,655 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 21 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 470 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 145 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 66 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 17,842 cases. It also confirms a total of 585 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 3,001 cases. It also confirms a total of 163 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 60 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 850,514 cases. It also confirms a total of 42,720 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 3,290 cases. It also confirms a total of 174 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 894 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 94 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 750 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 128 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 9,572 cases. It also confirms a total of 275 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 98,410 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,107 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 187 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 2,222 cases. It also confirms 7 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 850 cases. It also confirms a total of 73 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 174,293 cases. It also confirms a total of 3,323 deaths.
China confirms a total of 84,778 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,645 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 48,746 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,592 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 176 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 779 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 1,662 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 5,084 cases. It also confirms a total of 45 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,252 cases. It also confirms a total of 107 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,248 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 22 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 983 cases. It also confirms a total of 18 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 10,024 cases. It also confirms a total of 329 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 4,777 cases. It also confirms a total of 106 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 12,193 cases. It also confirms a total of 597 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 4,465 cases. It also confirms a total of 43 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 18 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 22,962 cases. It also confirms a total of 592 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 46,751 cases. It also confirms a total of 3,896 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 44,598 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,575 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 3,720 cases. It also confirms a total of 72 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 96 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,973 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 490 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 3,345 cases. It also confirms a total of 57 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 7,104 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
France confirms a total of 152,767 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,343 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 1,255 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 60 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 3,463 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 28 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Georgia confirms a total of 879 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 186,461 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,791 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 11,422 cases. It also confirms a total of 51 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 176 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 3,121 cases. It also confirms a total of 183 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 171 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 177 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 9,491 cases. It also confirms a total of 367 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 4,534 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,460 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 159 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 4,165 cases. It also confirms a total of 70 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 8,455 cases. It also confirms a total of 310 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 4,076 cases. It also confirms a total of 563 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,810 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 332,424 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,520 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 38,277 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,134 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 187,427 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,637 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 20,209 cases. It also confirms a total of 607 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 25,303 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,706 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 19,008 cases. It also confirms a total of 300 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 236,989 cases. It also confirms a total of 34,345 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 615 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 17,502 cases. It also confirms a total of 925 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 313 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 961 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 14,809 cases. It also confirms a total of 77 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 3,594 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 1,443 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 35,920 cases. It also confirms a total of 296 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 2,372 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,097 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,446 cases. It also confirms a total of 32 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 4 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 458 cases. It also confirms a total of 32 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 418 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,768 cases. It also confirms a total of 75 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,070 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 1,272 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 547 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 8,453 cases. It also confirms a total of 121 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 2,035 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 1,809 cases. It also confirms a total of 104 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 646 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 202 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 1,783 cases. It also confirms a total of 87 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 337 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 2,282 cases. It also confirms a total of 29 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 142,690 cases. It also confirms a total of 16,872 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 11,740 cases. It also confirms a total of 406 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 99 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 197 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 325 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 8,793 cases. It also confirms a total of 212 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 583 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 262 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 32 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 5,760 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 48,783 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,059 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 21 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,154 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 1,655 cases. It also confirms a total of 55 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 980 cases. It also confirms a total of 66 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 16,085 cases. It also confirms a total of 420 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 4,057 cases. It also confirms a total of 188 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 30 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,606 cases. It also confirms a total of 242 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 23,481 cases. It also confirms a total of 104 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 144,478 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,729 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 676 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 20,059 cases. It also confirms a total of 429 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 8 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 1,289 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 225,132 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,498 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 25,930 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,088 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 29,392 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,237 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 36,690 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,517 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 5,811 cases. It also confirms a total of 147 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 79,602 cases. It also confirms a total of 73 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 495 cases. It also confirms 1 death.
Romania confirms a total of 21,999 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,410 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 537,210 cases. It also confirms a total of 7,091 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 582 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 19 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 41 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 27 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 695 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 388 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 127,541 cases. It also confirms a total of 972 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 5,090 cases. It also confirms a total of 60 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 12,310 cases. It also confirms a total of 254 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 11 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 1,169 cases. It also confirms a total of 51 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 40,604 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,548 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,495 cases. It also confirms a total of 109 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 2,595 cases. It also confirms a total of 88 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 70,038 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,480 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 12,121 cases. It also confirms a total of 277 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 1,693 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 243,928 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 1,889 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 7,220 cases. It also confirms a total of 3459 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 187 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Sweden confirms a total of 51,614 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,874 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 31,034 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,676 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 177 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 5,035 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,135 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 530 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 117 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,096 cases. It also confirms a total of 49 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 178,239 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,807 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 13 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 823 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 31,810 cases. It also confirms a total of 901 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 42,294 cases. It also confirms a total of 289 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 295,893 cases. It also confirms a total of 41,698 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 2,057,838 cases. It also confirms a total of 115,112 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 712 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 847 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 5,103 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 2,904 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 334 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 732 cases. It also confirms a total of 165 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,358 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 383 cases. It also confirms a total of 4 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise ship
16 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 16: 8, 035,364 and 436,918 deaths.
"Total cases as of June 16: 8, 035,364 and 436,918 deaths.
The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases surpasses 8 million globally.
Following 24 days with no new cases, New Zealand reports 2 cases - travelers who recently returned from the United Kingdom. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
8,153,241 cases 441,407 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,136,043 cases 116,917 deaths
2,180,000 cases 119,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
29,442 cases 1,617 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
17 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 17: 8,217,627 and 445,012 deaths.
"Total cases as of June 17: 8,217,627 and 445,012 deaths.
WHO says it is dropping hydroxychloroquine from its Solidarity Trial - a global effort to identify treatments for COVID-19 - based on a review of evidence suggesting that the drug does not result in a reduction in the mortality of hospitalized patients.
Ana Maria Henao Restrepo, who leads the agency's research and development blueprint, says during a news briefing that this does not reflect an official WHO policy recommendation or affect other efforts to evaluate the efficacy of the drug for patients exposed to the coronavirus. The decision follows WHO's announcement on June 3 that it would resume testing hydroxychloroquine in its trials.
Initial clinical trial results show that a steroid called dexamethasone can reduce mortality by about one-third for COVID-19 patients on ventilators. This is the first drug shown to save the lives of people requiring oxygen or ventilator support. The drug, which has been in use since the 1960s, is off-patent and affordable in most countries, according to WHO. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
8,320,288 cases 448,455 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,162,785 cases 117,709 deaths
2,210,000 cases 119,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
29,673 cases 1,631 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
**** A few news headlines from today:
- Former Atlanta Police Officer Who Shot Rayshard Brooks Charged With Felony Murder
- Bolton's Book Says Trump Impeachment Inquiry Missed Other Troubling ACtions
- Justice Department Proposes Limiting Internet Companies' Protections
- 'Black Lives Matter' Street Mural Painted in Downtown Birmingham, Alabama
- Kayleigh McEnany Just Compared an Indoor Trump Rally To ... Baseball
- White House Says Trump Rally Atendees 'Assume a Personal Risk'
- Record Spike in New COVID-19 Cases Reported in 6 U.S. States as Reopening Accelerates
- Arizona Wildfire Swells to Nearly 90,000 Acres, Prompts Evacuations During Coronavirus Spike ****
18 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 18: 8,351,428 and 449,027 deaths.
"Total cases as of June 18: 8,351,428 and 449,027 deaths.
Lower-income countries in Asia will "barely grow" in 2020, the Asian Development Bank says as it revises its growth forecast for the region to 0.1%, down from April's forecast of 2.2%. This would be the slowest growth the region has experienced since 1961, according to the bank. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
8,453,080 cases 453,216 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,187,876 cases 118,381 deaths
2,230,000 cases 120,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
29,901 cases 1,637 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Quote of the Day:
"I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous ." - The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, claims he deserves credit for raising the profile of the day commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S. after rescheduling his political rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma to a different day (the next one) to avoid further criticism for seeming to co-opt the celebratory day.
******* Today's news headlines:
- COVID-19 Cases Rise Rapidly In Tulsa Days Before President Trump's Campaign Rally
- US Supreme Court Blocks Trump From Ending DACA
- Trump Wrong on Obama-Biden Actions on Policing
- Facebook Removes Trump Ads With Symbol Once Used By Nazis To Designate Political Prisoners
- Trump Stokes Division With Racism and Rage - And the American Oligarchy Purrs
- New Bolton Book: Trump's Not 'Fit For Office,' Doesn't Have 'Competence to Carry Out the Job'
- Another 1 Million Jobless Claims Show Congress May Need To Extend Extra Benefits Set To Expire
- Sheriff of Pinal County, Arizona, Who Said He Wouldn't Enforce State's Stay-at-Home Order, Tests Positive For COVID-19
- New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Says the President Is Pushing States to Open Up Too Soon, Which Will Hurt the Economy And Cause Americans To Die
19 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 19: 8,527,672 and 454,889 deaths.
"Total cases as of June 19: 8,527,672 and 454,889 deaths.
The pandemic is in a "new and dangerous phase," as many peole are tired of staying home and governments are eager to reopen their economies, but the virus is spreading fast and most people globally are still susceptible to contracting it, WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says during a press conference.
Over 150,000 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported to WHO in one day - the highest number in a single day since the start of the pandemic, Dr. Tedros says. Almost half of those cases come from the Americas. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
8,641,120 cases 459,468 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,221,079 cases 119,112 deaths
2,260,000 cases 121,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
30,187 cases 1,643 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Some of today's news headlines:
- Jim Acosta to Kayleigh McEnany: Doesn't Sharing Fake Videos Make You Fake News?
- Brazil Tops 1 Million Cases as COVID-19 Spreads Inland
- Number of New COVID-19 Cases in South Carolina Spikes To 1,000
- Manhattan US Attorney Berman Refuses To Leave After Trump Says SEC Chief Jay Clayton Will Replace Him
- Trump Threatens Protesters Ahead of Tulsa Rally In Tweet
- Mama June Admits To $2,500-a-Day Meth Habit
**** I do NOT who who this is, and I definitely do not WANT to know! - This is News?!? ****
- Republican Florida Representative Matt Gaetz Suddenly Springs 19-Year-Old Cuban "Son" On Public
- Lawmakers Demand Answers On Firing Spree At Global Media Agency - The Voice of America
20 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
Albania confirms a total of 1,995 cases. It also confirms a total of 44 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 11,771 cases. It also confirms a total of 845 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 855 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 176 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 26 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 41,204 cases. It also confirms a total of 992 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 20,588 cases. It also confirms a total of 360 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,461 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 17,285 cases. It also confirms a total of 690 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 12,729 cases. It also confirms a total of 154 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 104 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 21,764 cases. It also confirms a total of 63 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 112,306 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,464 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 97 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 58,505 cases. It also confirms a total of 346 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 60,550 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,696 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 22 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 765 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 146 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 68 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 23,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 740 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 3,431 cases. It also confirms a total of 169 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 89 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 1,067,579 cases. It also confirms a total of 49,976 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 3,905 cases. It also confirms a total of 199 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 901 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 144 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 890 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 129 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 11,281 cases. It also confirms a total of 300 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 101,019 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,410 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 195 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 2,808 cases. It also confirms 23 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 858 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 242,355 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,479 deaths.
China confirms a total of 85,018 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,646 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 65,633 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,126 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 247 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 883 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 2,127 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 7,492 cases. It also confirms a total of 54 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,317 cases. It also confirms a total of 107 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,312 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 23 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 986 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 10,498 cases. It also confirms a total of 336 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 5,82 cases. It also confirms a total of 129 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 12,391 cases. It also confirms a total of 600 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 4,582 cases. It also confirms a total of 45 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 18 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 26,677 cases. It also confirms a total of 662 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 50,640 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,223 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 55,243 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,193 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 4,626 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 143 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,981 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 635 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 4,532 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 7,143 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
France confirms a total of 154,567 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,571 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 2,441 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 60 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 4,428 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 37 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Georgia confirms a total of 908 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 190,359 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,885 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 14,154 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 176 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 3,266 cases. It also confirms a total of 190 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 174 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 214 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 12,755 cases. It also confirms a total of 514 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 4,998 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 16 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 183 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 5,077 cases. It also confirms a total of 88 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 12,306 cases. It also confirms a total of 358 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 4,102 cases. It also confirms a total of 572 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,823 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 484,282 cases. It also confirms a total of 13,699 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 45,891 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,465 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 204,952 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,623 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 30,868 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,100 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 25,379 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,715 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 20,652 cases. It also confirms a total of 306 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 238,499 cases. It also confirms a total of 34,634 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 657 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 17,916 cases. It also confirms a total of 953 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 318 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 1,033 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 17,732 cases. It also confirms a total of 120 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 4,738 cases. It also confirms a total of 123 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 2,126 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 39,650 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 3,356 cases. It also confirms a total of 40 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,111 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,587 cases. It also confirms a total of 32 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 4 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 626 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 571 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,798 cases. It also confirms a total of 76 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,120 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 1,596 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 730 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 8,572 cases. It also confirms a total of 121 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 2,203 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 1,961 cases. It also confirms a total of 111 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 665 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 236 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 2,813 cases. It also confirms a total of 108 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 337 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 2,404 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 175,202 cases. It also confirms a total of 20,781 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 14,200 cases. It also confirms a total of 475 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 99 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 206 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 362 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 9,977 cases. It also confirms a total of 214 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 733 cases. It also confirms 5 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 290 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 55 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 9,026 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 49,593 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,090 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 21 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,163 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 2,014 cases. It also confirms a total of 64 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 1,036 cases. It also confirms a total of 67 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 20,244 cases. It also confirms a total of 518 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 5,106 cases. It also confirms a total of 238 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 30 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,708 cases. It also confirms a total of 244 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 29,471 cases. It also confirms a total of 131 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 181,088 cases. It also confirms a total of 3,590 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 1,028 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 25,222 cases. It also confirms a total of 493 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 9 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 1,379 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 251,338 cases. It also confirms a total of 7,861 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 30,052 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,169 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 31,931 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,356 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 39,133 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,530 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 6,525 cases. It also confirms a total of 149 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 87,369 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 506 cases. It also confirms 1 death.
Romania confirms a total of 24,045 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,512 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 592,280 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,206 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 728 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 19 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 42 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 29 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 713 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 388 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 157,612 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,267 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 5,888 cases. It also confirms a total of 84 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 12,894 cases. It also confirms a total of 261 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 11 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 1,327 cases. It also confirms a total of 55 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 42,095 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,587 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,520 cases. It also confirms a total of 109 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 2,779 cases. It also confirms a total of 90 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 97,302 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,930 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 12,438 cases. It also confirms a total of 280 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 1,882 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 246,272 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 1,950 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 8,580 cases. It also confirms a total of 521 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 302 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Sweden confirms a total of 56,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,053 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 31,217 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,680 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 204 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 5,457 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,151 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 569 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 123 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,157 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 187,685 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,950 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 13 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 755 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 37,241 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,012 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 44,925 cases. It also confirms a total of 302 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 304,335 cases. It also confirms a total of 42,632 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 2,241,178 cases. It also confirms a total of 119,453 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 76 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 859 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 6,358 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 3,790 cases. It also confirms a total of 33 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 349 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 945 cases. It also confirms a total of 257 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,430 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 489 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise ship
***** No updates from Devex today ****
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
8,768,285 cases 463,999 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,254,630 cases 119,714 deaths
2,300,000 cases 121,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
30,349 cases 1,647 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
***** Trump's campaign rally is happening in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He boasted that there were more than 1 million ticket requests. He had huge video screens and speakers set up around the building so that over-flow crowds waiting outside could see him. The outside screens and sound items were removed well before he began to speak. It was announced that 6 people, including 2 Secret Service agents, working on the set-up in Tulsa for the past 3 days had tested positive for COVID-19. While the seating in the lower area of the arena looks full, almost all of the top level is empty. There are no crowds outside.
See all the blue empty seats in the upper level?
Looks like the Tulsa trip was a bust - other than getting free media coverage.... More crowds outside protesting than there were inside the rally! *****
21 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
***** No updates from Devex today ****
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
Instead of his usual Tweet storm, today he has only sent out one message - a graphic of a black screen with white letter that says (in all caps, of course) "Happy Fathers Day!," followed in smaller letters by "from the President of the United States" with the Presidential seal, in color, below that.
8,914,528 cases 465,896 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,275,319 cases 119,949 deaths
2,320,000 cases 122,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
30,539 cases 1,647 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
***** After the appallingly low turn-out for Trump's reelection campaign kick-off in Tulsa last night, Tulsa Fire Department officials, who count how many people enter venues for large events, to prevent over-crowding, announced that about 6,200 people were in attendance for the first Trump rally since March. The crowd in the convention center, which has a capacity of 19,000, wildly cheered when the president lifted and drank a glass of water with one hand (oh, my God! look at his virility!) and then had to listen to an idiotic step-by-step description of his walk down a wheelchair ramp at West Point, and look searchingly at the soles of his hand-made shoes. ..... Then he had a flight back from Tulsa to Andrews Air Force Base on Air Force One, and was transferred to Marine One for his trip back to the White House. Leaving the helicopter, his tie was slung around his neck and the top button of his white shirt was open - giving photographers a lovely view of smeared orange make-up all around his shirt collar. ....
![]() |
How did the President spend Fathers Day? Not with any of his five children or grandchildren - he went golfing - at the Trump National Golf Course in Sterling, Virginia. Video shows two other players arriving in their golf carts, with three other carts already parked while the president was swinging his golf club vigorously. Was he taking out his frustrations from yesterday before the game? People that have played with him reports that he cheats in disgusting ways... Wonder if he won his match today?
22 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 22: 8,953,598 and 468,346 deaths.
Thailand reports three imported cases of COVID-19 and has had 28 days without a local transmission.
COVID-19 deaths surpass 50,000 in Brazil.
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
9,074,624 cases 471,591 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,310,786 cases 120,393 deaths
2,360,000 cases 122,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
30,705 cases 1,651 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
From the WHO Situation Report:
Afghanistan confirms a total of 29,143 cases. It also confirms a total of 598 deaths.
Albania confirms a total of 1,995 cases. It also confirms a total of 44 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 11,771 cases. It also confirms a total of 845 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 855 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 176 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 26 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 41,204 cases. It also confirms a total of 992 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 20,588 cases. It also confirms a total of 360 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,461 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 17,285 cases. It also confirms a total of 690 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 12,729 cases. It also confirms a total of 154 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 104 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 21,764 cases. It also confirms a total of 63 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 112,306 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,464 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 97 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 58,505 cases. It also confirms a total of 346 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 60,550 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,696 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 22 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 765 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 146 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 68 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 23,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 740 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 3,431 cases. It also confirms a total of 169 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 89 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 1,067,579 cases. It also confirms a total of 49,976 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 3,905 cases. It also confirms a total of 199 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 901 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 144 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 890 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 129 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 11,281 cases. It also confirms a total of 300 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 101,019 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,410 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 195 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 2,808 cases. It also confirms 23 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 858 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 242,355 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,479 deaths.
China confirms a total of 85,018 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,646 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 65,633 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,126 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 247 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 883 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 2,127 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 7,492 cases. It also confirms a total of 54 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,317 cases. It also confirms a total of 107 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,312 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 23 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 986 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 10,498 cases. It also confirms a total of 336 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 5,82 cases. It also confirms a total of 129 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 12,391 cases. It also confirms a total of 600 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 4,582 cases. It also confirms a total of 45 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 18 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 26,677 cases. It also confirms a total of 662 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 50,640 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,223 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 55,243 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,193 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 4,626 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 143 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,981 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 635 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 4,532 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 7,143 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
France confirms a total of 154,567 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,571 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 2,441 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 60 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 4,428 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 37 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Georgia confirms a total of 908 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 190,359 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,885 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 14,154 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 176 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 3,266 cases. It also confirms a total of 190 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 174 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 214 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 12,755 cases. It also confirms a total of 514 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 4,998 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 16 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 183 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 5,077 cases. It also confirms a total of 88 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 12,306 cases. It also confirms a total of 358 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 4,102 cases. It also confirms a total of 572 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,823 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 484,282 cases. It also confirms a total of 13,699 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 45,891 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,465 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 204,952 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,623 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 30,868 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,100 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 25,379 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,715 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 20,652 cases. It also confirms a total of 306 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 238,499 cases. It also confirms a total of 34,634 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 657 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 17,916 cases. It also confirms a total of 953 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 318 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 1,033 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 17,732 cases. It also confirms a total of 120 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 4,738 cases. It also confirms a total of 123 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 2,126 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 39,650 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 3,356 cases. It also confirms a total of 40 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,111 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,587 cases. It also confirms a total of 32 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 4 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 626 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 571 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,798 cases. It also confirms a total of 76 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,120 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 1,596 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 730 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 8,572 cases. It also confirms a total of 121 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 2,203 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 1,961 cases. It also confirms a total of 111 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 665 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 236 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 2,813 cases. It also confirms a total of 108 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 337 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 2,404 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 175,202 cases. It also confirms a total of 20,781 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 14,200 cases. It also confirms a total of 475 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 99 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 206 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 362 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 9,977 cases. It also confirms a total of 214 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 733 cases. It also confirms 5 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 290 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 55 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 9,026 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 49,593 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,090 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 21 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,163 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 2,014 cases. It also confirms a total of 64 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 1,036 cases. It also confirms a total of 67 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 20,244 cases. It also confirms a total of 518 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 5,106 cases. It also confirms a total of 238 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 30 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,708 cases. It also confirms a total of 244 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 29,471 cases. It also confirms a total of 131 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 181,088 cases. It also confirms a total of 3,590 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 1,028 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 25,222 cases. It also confirms a total of 493 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 9 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 1,379 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 251,338 cases. It also confirms a total of 7,861 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 30,052 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,169 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 31,931 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,356 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 39,133 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,530 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 6,525 cases. It also confirms a total of 149 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 87,369 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 506 cases. It also confirms 1 death.
Romania confirms a total of 24,045 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,512 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 592,280 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,206 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 728 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 19 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 42 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 29 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 713 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 388 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 157,612 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,267 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 5,888 cases. It also confirms a total of 84 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 12,894 cases. It also confirms a total of 261 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 11 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 1,327 cases. It also confirms a total of 55 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 42,095 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,587 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,520 cases. It also confirms a total of 109 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 2,779 cases. It also confirms a total of 90 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 97,302 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,930 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 12,438 cases. It also confirms a total of 280 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 1,882 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 246,272 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 1,950 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 8,580 cases. It also confirms a total of 521 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 302 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Sweden confirms a total of 56,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,053 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 31,217 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,680 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 204 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 5,457 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,151 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 569 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 123 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,157 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 187,685 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,950 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 13 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 755 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 37,241 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,012 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 44,925 cases. It also confirms a total of 302 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 304,335 cases. It also confirms a total of 42,632 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 2,241,178 cases. It also confirms a total of 119,453 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 76 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 859 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 6,358 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 3,790 cases. It also confirms a total of 33 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 349 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 945 cases. It also confirms a total of 257 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,430 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 489 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise shipFrom the WHO Situation Report:
Afghanistan confirms a total of 29,143 cases. It also confirms a total of 598 deaths.Afghanistan confirms a total of 29,143 cases. It also confirms a total of 598 deaths.
Albania confirms a total of 1,995 cases. It also confirms a total of 44 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 11,771 cases. It also confirms a total of 845 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 855 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 176 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 26 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 41,204 cases. It also confirms a total of 992 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 20,588 cases. It also confirms a total of 360 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,461 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 17,285 cases. It also confirms a total of 690 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 12,729 cases. It also confirms a total of 154 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 104 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 21,764 cases. It also confirms a total of 63 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 112,306 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,464 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 97 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 58,505 cases. It also confirms a total of 346 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 60,550 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,696 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 22 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 765 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 146 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 68 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 23,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 740 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 3,431 cases. It also confirms a total of 169 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 89 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 1,067,579 cases. It also confirms a total of 49,976 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 3,905 cases. It also confirms a total of 199 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 901 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 144 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 890 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 129 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 11,281 cases. It also confirms a total of 300 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 101,019 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,410 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 195 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 2,808 cases. It also confirms 23 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 858 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 242,355 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,479 deaths.
China confirms a total of 85,018 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,646 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 65,633 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,126 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 247 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 883 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 2,127 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 7,492 cases. It also confirms a total of 54 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,317 cases. It also confirms a total of 107 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,312 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 23 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 986 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 10,498 cases. It also confirms a total of 336 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 5,82 cases. It also confirms a total of 129 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 12,391 cases. It also confirms a total of 600 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 4,582 cases. It also confirms a total of 45 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 18 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 26,677 cases. It also confirms a total of 662 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 50,640 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,223 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 55,243 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,193 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 4,626 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 143 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,981 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 635 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 4,532 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 7,143 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
France confirms a total of 154,567 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,571 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 2,441 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 60 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 4,428 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 37 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Georgia confirms a total of 908 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 190,359 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,885 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 14,154 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 176 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 3,266 cases. It also confirms a total of 190 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 174 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 214 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 12,755 cases. It also confirms a total of 514 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 4,998 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 16 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 183 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 5,077 cases. It also confirms a total of 88 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 12,306 cases. It also confirms a total of 358 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 4,102 cases. It also confirms a total of 572 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,823 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 484,282 cases. It also confirms a total of 13,699 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 45,891 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,465 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 204,952 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,623 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 30,868 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,100 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 25,379 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,715 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 20,652 cases. It also confirms a total of 306 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 238,499 cases. It also confirms a total of 34,634 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 657 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 17,916 cases. It also confirms a total of 953 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 318 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 1,033 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 17,732 cases. It also confirms a total of 120 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 4,738 cases. It also confirms a total of 123 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 2,126 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 39,650 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 3,356 cases. It also confirms a total of 40 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,111 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,587 cases. It also confirms a total of 32 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 4 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 626 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 571 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,798 cases. It also confirms a total of 76 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,120 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 1,596 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 730 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 8,572 cases. It also confirms a total of 121 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 2,203 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 1,961 cases. It also confirms a total of 111 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 665 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 236 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 2,813 cases. It also confirms a total of 108 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 337 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 2,404 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 175,202 cases. It also confirms a total of 20,781 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 14,200 cases. It also confirms a total of 475 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 99 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 206 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 362 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 9,977 cases. It also confirms a total of 214 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 733 cases. It also confirms 5 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 290 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 55 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 9,026 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 49,593 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,090 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 21 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,163 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 2,014 cases. It also confirms a total of 64 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 1,036 cases. It also confirms a total of 67 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 20,244 cases. It also confirms a total of 518 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 5,106 cases. It also confirms a total of 238 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 30 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,708 cases. It also confirms a total of 244 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 29,471 cases. It also confirms a total of 131 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 181,088 cases. It also confirms a total of 3,590 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 1,028 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 25,222 cases. It also confirms a total of 493 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 9 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 1,379 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 251,338 cases. It also confirms a total of 7,861 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 30,052 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,169 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 31,931 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,356 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 39,133 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,530 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 6,525 cases. It also confirms a total of 149 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 87,369 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 506 cases. It also confirms 1 death.
Romania confirms a total of 24,045 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,512 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 592,280 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,206 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 728 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 19 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 42 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 29 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 713 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 388 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 157,612 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,267 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 5,888 cases. It also confirms a total of 84 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 12,894 cases. It also confirms a total of 261 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 11 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 1,327 cases. It also confirms a total of 55 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 42,095 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,587 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,520 cases. It also confirms a total of 109 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 2,779 cases. It also confirms a total of 90 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 97,302 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,930 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 12,438 cases. It also confirms a total of 280 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 1,882 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 246,272 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 1,950 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 8,580 cases. It also confirms a total of 521 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 302 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Sweden confirms a total of 56,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,053 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 31,217 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,680 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 204 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 5,457 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,151 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 569 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 123 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,157 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 187,685 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,950 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 13 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 755 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 37,241 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,012 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 44,925 cases. It also confirms a total of 302 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 304,335 cases. It also confirms a total of 42,632 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 2,241,178 cases. It also confirms a total of 119,453 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 76 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 859 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 6,358 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 3,790 cases. It also confirms a total of 33 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 349 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 945 cases. It also confirms a total of 257 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,430 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 489 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise shipFrom the WHO Situation Report:
Albania confirms a total of 1,995 cases. It also confirms a total of 44 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 11,771 cases. It also confirms a total of 845 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 855 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 176 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 26 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 41,204 cases. It also confirms a total of 992 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 20,588 cases. It also confirms a total of 360 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,461 cases. It also confirms a total of 103 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 17,285 cases. It also confirms a total of 690 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 12,729 cases. It also confirms a total of 154 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 104 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 21,764 cases. It also confirms a total of 63 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 112,306 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,464 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 97 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 58,505 cases. It also confirms a total of 346 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 60,550 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,696 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 22 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 765 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 146 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 68 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 23,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 740 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 3,431 cases. It also confirms a total of 169 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 89 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 1,067,579 cases. It also confirms a total of 49,976 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 3,905 cases. It also confirms a total of 199 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 901 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 144 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 890 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 129 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 11,281 cases. It also confirms a total of 300 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 101,019 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,410 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 195 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 2,808 cases. It also confirms 23 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 858 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 242,355 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,479 deaths.
China confirms a total of 85,018 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,646 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 65,633 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,126 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 247 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 883 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 2,127 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 7,492 cases. It also confirms a total of 54 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,317 cases. It also confirms a total of 107 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,312 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 23 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 986 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 10,498 cases. It also confirms a total of 336 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 5,82 cases. It also confirms a total of 129 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 12,391 cases. It also confirms a total of 600 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 4,582 cases. It also confirms a total of 45 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 18 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 26,677 cases. It also confirms a total of 662 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 50,640 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,223 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 55,243 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,193 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 4,626 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 143 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,981 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 635 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 4,532 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 7,143 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
France confirms a total of 154,567 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,571 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 2,441 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 60 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 4,428 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 37 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Georgia confirms a total of 908 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 190,359 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,885 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 14,154 cases. It also confirms a total of 85 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 176 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 3,266 cases. It also confirms a total of 190 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 174 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 214 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 12,755 cases. It also confirms a total of 514 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 4,998 cases. It also confirms a total of 27 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 16 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 183 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 5,077 cases. It also confirms a total of 88 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 12,306 cases. It also confirms a total of 358 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 4,102 cases. It also confirms a total of 572 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,823 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 484,282 cases. It also confirms a total of 13,699 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 45,891 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,465 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 204,952 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,623 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 30,868 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,100 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 25,379 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,715 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 20,652 cases. It also confirms a total of 306 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 238,499 cases. It also confirms a total of 34,634 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 657 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 17,916 cases. It also confirms a total of 953 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 318 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 1,033 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 17,732 cases. It also confirms a total of 120 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 4,738 cases. It also confirms a total of 123 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 2,126 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 39,650 cases. It also confirms a total of 326 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 3,356 cases. It also confirms a total of 40 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,111 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,587 cases. It also confirms a total of 32 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 4 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 626 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 571 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,798 cases. It also confirms a total of 76 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,120 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 1,596 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 730 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 8,572 cases. It also confirms a total of 121 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 2,203 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 1,961 cases. It also confirms a total of 111 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 665 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 236 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 2,813 cases. It also confirms a total of 108 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 337 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 2,404 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 175,202 cases. It also confirms a total of 20,781 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 14,200 cases. It also confirms a total of 475 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 99 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 206 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 362 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 9,977 cases. It also confirms a total of 214 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 733 cases. It also confirms 5 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 290 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 55 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 9,026 cases. It also confirms a total of 23 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 49,593 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,090 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 21 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,163 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 2,014 cases. It also confirms a total of 64 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 1,036 cases. It also confirms a total of 67 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 20,244 cases. It also confirms a total of 518 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 5,106 cases. It also confirms a total of 238 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 30 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,708 cases. It also confirms a total of 244 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 29,471 cases. It also confirms a total of 131 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 181,088 cases. It also confirms a total of 3,590 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 1,028 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 25,222 cases. It also confirms a total of 493 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 9 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 1,379 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 251,338 cases. It also confirms a total of 7,861 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 30,052 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,169 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 31,931 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,356 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 39,133 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,530 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 6,525 cases. It also confirms a total of 149 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 87,369 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 506 cases. It also confirms 1 death.
Romania confirms a total of 24,045 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,512 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 592,280 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,206 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 728 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 19 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 42 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 29 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 713 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 388 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 157,612 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,267 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 5,888 cases. It also confirms a total of 84 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 12,894 cases. It also confirms a total of 261 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 11 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 1,327 cases. It also confirms a total of 55 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 42,095 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,587 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,520 cases. It also confirms a total of 109 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 2,779 cases. It also confirms a total of 90 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 97,302 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,930 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 12,438 cases. It also confirms a total of 280 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 1,882 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 246,272 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 1,950 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 8,580 cases. It also confirms a total of 521 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 302 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Sweden confirms a total of 56,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,053 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 31,217 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,680 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 204 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 5,457 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,151 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 569 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 123 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,157 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 187,685 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,950 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 13 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 755 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 37,241 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,012 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 44,925 cases. It also confirms a total of 302 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 304,335 cases. It also confirms a total of 42,632 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 2,241,178 cases. It also confirms a total of 119,453 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 76 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 859 cases. It also confirms a total of 25 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 6,358 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 3,790 cases. It also confirms a total of 33 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 349 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 945 cases. It also confirms a total of 257 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,430 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 489 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise ship
23 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 23: 9,121,337 and 472,683 deaths.
Globally, confirmed cases of COVID-19 surpass 9 million. This comes just a week after the caseload hit 8 million.
A report from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization finds that 40% of low- and lower-middle income countries have not supported disadvantaged students during school shutdowns from COVID-19.
Preliminary data from a U.K. trial that shows that the steroid dexamethasone has the potential to save the lives of critically ill COVID-19 patients, but the next challenge is increasing production and distribution of the drug, WHO Director General D. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says during a press conference. Demand has already surged for the drug, he adds, but it is an inexpensive drug and many manufacturers already make it globally.
"It is also important to check that suppliers can guarantee quality, as there is a high risk of substandard or falsified products entering the market," he says. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
9,237,640 cases 476,609 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,345,854 cases 121,217 deaths
2,390,000 cases 123,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
30,893 cases 1,665 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
24 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
"Total cases as of June 24: 9,295,365 and 478,289 deaths.
A report from The Global Fund to Fight AIDs, Tuberculosis and Malaria finds that in the countries it invests in, about $28.5 billion is needed over the next year to adapt HIV, TB, and malaria programming to "mitigate the impact of COVID-19, to train and protect health workers, to reinforce systems for health ... and to respond to COVID-19 itself, particularly through testing, tracing and isolation and by providing treatments as they become available." This estimate does not include the costs related to a potential vaccine.
According to the report, deaths from HIV, TB, and malaria could double over the next year if health systems are overwhelmed, treatment and prevention programs are disrupted, and resources are pulled away from fighting these three diseases.
WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says the world needs 620,000 cubic meters of oxygen per day, or about 88,000 large cylinders, as new COVID-19 cases now number 1 million a week. WHO expects COVID-19 cases to total 10 million globally within the next week.
But many countries are facing challenges in obtaining oxygen concentrators, with 80% of the market owned by a few companies, Tedros says during Wednesday's press briefing. In recent weeks, WHO has been able to buy 14,000 oxygen concentrators to be sent to 120 countries, and Tedros says a further 170,000 concentrators have been identified that can be available over the next six months.
The epidemic in the Americas in general is "still intense," with many countries experiencing a rise in cases ranging from 25% to 50% over the past week, says Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of WHO's emergencies program. He says the pandemic in many countries in the region "has not peaked.""
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
9,405,071 cases 482,105 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,380,452 cases 121,969 deaths
2,430,000 cases 124,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
31,155 cases 1,667 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
News headlines for today:
- 65 Faculty Members From AG Barr's Law School Alma Mater Say He Has "Failed to Fulfill His Oath of Office"
- Florida Reports a New Single Day Record of More Than 5,500 Confirmed COVID-19 Cases
- EU May Ban Travel From US As It Reopens Borders, Citing Coronavirus Failures
- I.M.F. Predicts Deeper Global Downturn Even as Economies Reopen
- A 24-Year-Old Novice Beat a Trump-Endorsed Candidate in Primary Race For Mark Meadows's Seat in Congress
- Prosecutors Accuse Barr and DOJ of Politicizing Probes
- Trump Is Using the Pandemic As a Racist Punchline
- Appeals Court Panel Orders End To Michale Flynn Case
- Nadler Says House "May Very Well" Pursue Impeachment of Attorney General William Barr
- Coronavirus Deaths Lag Behind Surging Infections But May Catch Up Soon
- Three Georgia Men Indicted on Felony Murder, Malice Charges in Ahmaud Arbery Case
- New Polling Shows Trump Trailing Biden
- 'A Substantial Challenge': What Kentucky, New York Tell Us About Voting In a Pandemic Come November
25 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
**** No updates to the article from Devex today ****
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
9,614,845 cases 490,141 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,452,567 cases 123,796 deaths
2,470,000 cases 126,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
31,479 cases 1,669 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
A few of 45's Tweets from today - three with further comments from me:
SOURCE: Twitter - sent from @realDonaldTrump on Thursday, 25 June 2020:
- at 12:08 am EDT: "It was my great honor to free up 5000 square miles of ocean off the coast of Maine. Enjoy!"
**** President Obama established the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument as a conservation area in 2016. The area contains diverse marine life, including endangered whales and sea turtles, as well as fragile sea corals, found only in that area, that can grow for thousands of years, but can be destroyed in a few hours of commercial net fishing. Obama's orders in 2016 prohibited new commercial fishing in the area, but existing red crab and lobster fisheries were permitted to continue operations for another 7 years - through 2023. Trump signed am executive order opening the (once) Marine Sanctuary immediately for any and all types of commercial fishing. ****
- at 10:47 am EDT: "A @FoxNews commentator just ripped me with lies, with nobody defending. They talked about the "friendly" protesters (they set the Church on fire the day before. They were anything but friendly), and how I stood and held the Bible upside down - it wasn't upside down. @edhenry "
- at 11:20 am EDT: "The Fake News and phony Fake Suppression Polls have never been worse. The Lamestream Media has gone CRAZY!"
- at 11:59 am EDT: "Failed presidential candidate (thank you President Trump!), Carly Fiorina, said she will be voting for Corrupt Joe Biden. She lost so badly to me, twice in one campaign, that she should be voting for Joe. No complaints!!!"
- at 12:06 pm EDT: "The number of ChinaVirus cases goes up, because of GREAT TESTING, while the number of deaths (mortality rate), goes way down. The Fake News doesn't like telling you that!"
- at 1:04 pm EDT: "When are the thugs, looters, and anarchists moving out of the so-called "Autonomous Zone" in Seattle? Get going!"
- at 1:28 pm EDT: "The Obama/Biden Administration is the most CORRUPT in HISTORY!"
- at 1:29 pm EDT: "Black Lives Matter leader states, "If U.S. doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it". This is Treason, Sedition, Insurrection!"
**** Hawk Newsome said those words out of genuine frustration and anger over generations of African-American enslavement, abuse, exploitation, and murder. That's NOT treason, sedition and insurrection. That IS freedom of expression and speech under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. ****
- at 1:35 pm EDT: "LAW & ORDER!"
- at 1:44 pm EDT: "Landing in Wisconsin. Launching big new ship contract!"
**** Trump flew to Marinette, Wisconsin to promote a DoD contract won in April by Fincantieri Marinette Marine to build as many as 10 frigates. The company employs about 2,500 people now, and this contract could add up to 1,000 jobs. It's the first new, majoe shipbuilding program for the US Navy in more than a decade.
About 600 employees, wearing masks, were assembled to hear the president's remarks. He praised himself for building the economy up to glorious heights before the pandemic, and assured the workers this was the start of an even better economic future. All thanks to him. He then went on to talk about the role of the frigates in war, stating that "the new Navy frigate will be able to fight anywhere on land, sea or air."
I really want to see an Navy frigate fighting in the air! ****
26 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
"Total cases as of June 26: 9,679,764 and 491,095 deaths.
WHO publishes a consolidated investment case for three pillars of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator initiative, which finds that the international community still must raise $27.9 billion of the $31.3 billion needed over the next 12 to 18 months to ensure the development and delivery of critical tools in the fight against COVID-19.
The amount covers investment needs for COVID-19 diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics. It does not yet include estimates for the health systems connector pillar of the initiative, which is meant to ensure that all tools developed will be efficiently deployed in countries.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, special envoy for the initiative, says in a press briefing that the amounts needed are huge, but "they are not when we think of the alternative. ... If we spend billions now, we'll be able to avoid spending trillions later."
The African Union hosts a virtual conference focused on the role that the continent hopes to play in the development, production, and distribution of future coronavirus vaccines. Some of the challenges identified by African leaders include raising funds to pay for vaccines, strengthening local manufacturing, increasing the number of local clinical trials, and ensuring communities actually want to be vaccinated.
Africa is "no longer the WHO region least-affected by COVID-19" as of this week, says WHO Africa Regional Director Matshidiso Moeti, as COVID-19 cases on the continent have surpassed 300,000 with over 8,000 deaths. In some African countries, more than 5% of infections have been among health care workers, she adds. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
9,776,392 cases 493,604 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,467,510 cases 125,045 deaths
2,510,000 cases 127,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
31,796 cases 1,673 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
Some of today's news headlines:
**** First, today was the first time in 2 months that the COVID-19 Task Force had a press briefing. Dr. Fauci was marvelous, and expressed his concerns, fears and doubts... however, no one else did that. Follow that thought with the first headline listed..... ****
- US Records Highest One-Day Infection Total. Pence Says Things Are Going Well
- During COVID Briefing, Mike Pence Touts Constitutional Right To Hold Trump Rallies
- Biden Says He Would Make Face Masks Mandatory
- Texas Republican On Why He Won't Wear a Mask: If I Get Coronavirus, "I'll Wear It"
- Trump Is Desperate - And Dangerous
- Why Dems Need To Prioritize Statehood For DC and Puerto Rico
- Trump's War Against Mail-In Voting Lacks GOP Allies
- Bipolar Man With a Sword Dies After Being Tased By NYPD
- NYPD Arrests Officer Seen Putting Man In Chokehold Over the Weekend
- Trump Can't Divert Military Funds For His Border Wall, Federal Appeals Court Says
27 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
***** Devex did not update numbers or their article today *****
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
9,949,767 cases 498,100 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,507,874 cases 125,504 deaths
2,560,000 cases 127,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
32,022 cases 1,674 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
SOURCE: The Salon - News & Politics - "Raw Story" - Written by Brad Reed, published at 2:06 am UTC, Saturday, 27 July 2020
"Ivanka Trump Mocked After White House Makes Her the Face of Its "Skills-Based Hiring" Initiative
Ivanka's video about "skills-based hiring" was poorly received
President Donald Trump's White House is rolling out a new "skills-based hiring" initiative for the federal government - but it faced instant backlash by making the president's older daughter the new policy's figurehead.
In a video promoting the initiative, Ivanka Trump claimed that her father was going to "overhaul the way that the federal government hires," and said that the president wants to "fill federal job vacancies based on people having the skill, the passion, the drive, the competency to do the job, not purely based on outdated career or licensing requirements."
Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, have been repeatedly criticized for getting plum appointments in the White House despite having never worked in government before Trump was elected in 2016.
Kushner in particular has drawn scrutiny for being given a massive portfoliio of duties ranging from overhauling the entire executive branch, bringing peace to the Middle East, and containing the novel coronavirus.
Ivanka and Donald several years ago...
Given this, Ivanka's video about "skill-based hiring" was poorly received - check out three of the usual Twitter comments below:
** Skills based? Then what is your husband doing in the White House at all?
** It's so nice of Daughter-Wife Ivanka, who was hired at the White House despite having no skills, to take time out of her busy day of doing absolutely nothing to tell everyone about skills-based hiring.
** Skills-based? Uh-oh looks like Jared and Ivanka are out of a job. Seriously what skills do they have besides knowing her daddy? Oh I get it. Loyalty to Trump will be the only "skill" considered.
** You and your husband couldn't even get security clearances. But daddy signed and gave orders and pitched fits. That's the only reason you and Jared are even allowed inside the White House! "
28 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
***** Devex did not update numbers or their article today *****
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
10,104,045 cases 500,882 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,544,418 cases 125,768 deaths
2,590,000 cases 128,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
32,307 cases 1,676 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
News headlines from today:
- Trump Thanks "Great People" Shown In Video In Which a Man Chants "White Power"
- Trump Denies Being Briefed On Russian Bounty Intelligence
- "Window Is Closing" For America To Get COVID-19 Under Control
- Only 2 States Report a Decline in COVID-19 Cases
- After Weeks of Protests, Meaningful Police Reform Seems Unlikely
- Georgia Officials Warn of Potential Health Problems Linked to Saharan Dust Cloud
- Evacuations Ordered After Fireworks Spark Wildfire in Utah
- Restrictions Leave US Travelers High and Dry
- India Opens a Massive Hospital As Country Sees Biggest Single-Day Jump in COVID-19 Cases
- Mississippi House Starts Process to Change State's Flag
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29 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
"Total cases as of June 29: 10,189,350 and 502,719 deaths.
Countries arguing that contact tracing of COVID-19 cases is too difficult - because there are now too many cases - are not considering that other health responses have involved contact tracing with large caseloads in incredibly volatile situations where contact tracers risk their lives, says WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a news briefing. For example, people have risked their lives to trace contacts of Ebola patients amid armed conflict in eastern Congo.
"If any country is saying contact tracing is difficult, it's a lame excuse," he says.
From June 28: Globally, confirmed cases of COVID-19 surpass 10 million - only 6 days after the global caseload hit 9 million. Confirmed deaths surpass 500,000.
From June 27: A pledging summit hosted by the European Commission and Global Citizen raises $6.91 billion for the development of COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and treatments, as well as to ensure their equitable access. This includes 4.9 billion Euros in loans and guarantees from the European Investment Bank, in partnership with the European Commission, as well as 485 million Euros pledged by European Union member states. Forty governments participate in the summit.
Brazil signs an agreement to locally produce AstraZeneca's experimental vaccine, which is considered the most advanced of the candidates for a COVID-19 vaccine in terms of development. "
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
10,275,392 cases 504,843 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,587,154 cases 126,131 deaths
2,640,000 cases 128,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
32,511 cases 1,682 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
From the WHO Situation Report:
Afghanistan confirms a total of 31,238 cases. It also confirms a total of 733 deaths.
Albania confirms a total of 2,466 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 13,273 cases. It also confirms a total of 897 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 855 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 276 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 65 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 57,744 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,217 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 25,127 cases. It also confirms a total of 433 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,686 cases. It also confirms a total of 104 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 17,625 cases. It also confirms a total of 702 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 16,424 cases. It also confirms a total of 198 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 104 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 25,705 cases. It also confirms a total of 83 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 137,787 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,738 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 97 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 61,475 cases. It also confirms a total of 383 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 61,361 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,732 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 24 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 1,149 cases. It also confirms a total of 16 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 146 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 76 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 30,676 cases. It also confirms a total of 970 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 4,107 cases. It also confirms a total of 179 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 175 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 1,313,667 cases. It also confirms a total of 57,070 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 4,691 cases. It also confirms a total of 219 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 959 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 170 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 1,155 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 141 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 12,592 cases. It also confirms a total of 313 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 103,032 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,516 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 196 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 3,429 cases. It also confirms 45 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 866 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 271,982 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,509 deaths.
China confirms a total of 85,204 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,648 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 88,591 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,939 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 297 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 1,245 cases. It also confirms a total of 60 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 2,979 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 8,944 cases. It also confirms a total of 66 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,691 cases. It also confirms a total of 107 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,332 cases. It also confirms a total of 86 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 23 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 994 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 11,603 cases. It also confirms a total of 348 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 6,826 cases. It also confirms a total of 157 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 12,675 cases. It also confirms a total of 604 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 4,643 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 18 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 31,373 cases. It also confirms a total of 726 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 55,255 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,429 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 65,188 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,789 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 5,934 cases. It also confirms a total of 152 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 191 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,987 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 781 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 5,689 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 7,191 cases. It also confirms a total of 328 deaths.
France confirms a total of 156,156 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,700 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 3,461 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 62 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 5,209 cases. It also confirms a total of 40 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 45 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Georgia confirms a total of 926 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 193,761 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,961 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 17,351 cases. It also confirms a total of 112 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 177 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 3,376 cases. It also confirms a total of 191 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 182 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 240 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 16,397 cases. It also confirms a total of 706 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 5,342 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,614 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 230 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 5,722 cases. It also confirms a total of 898 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 17,007 cases. It also confirms a total of 479 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 4,142 cases. It also confirms a total of 581 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,838 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 548,318 cases. It also confirms a total of 16,475 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 54,010 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,754 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 222,669 cases. It also confirms a total of 10,508 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 45,402 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,756 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 25,439 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,735 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 23,457 cases. It also confirms a total of 318 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 240,310 cases. It also confirms a total of 34,738 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 686 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 18,476 cases. It also confirms a total of 972 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 319 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 1,121 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 21,327 cases. It also confirms a total of 183 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 6,070 cases. It also confirms a total of 144 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 2,634 cases. It also confirms a total of 308 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 44,942 cases. It also confirms a total of 348 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 5,017 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,116 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,740 cases. It also confirms a total of 33 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 27 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 768 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 762 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,816 cases. It also confirms a total of 78 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,242 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 2,078 cases. It also confirms a total of 18 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 1,152 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 8,634 cases. It also confirms a total of 121 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 2,324 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 2,147 cases. It also confirms a total of 114 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 670 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 242 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 3,907 cases. It also confirms a total of 120 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 341 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 2,540 cases. It also confirms a total of 35 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 212,802 cases. It also confirms a total of 26,381 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 16,250 cases. It also confirms a total of 533 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 99 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 219 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 481 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 12,052 cases. It also confirms a total of 221 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 859 cases. It also confirms 5 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 299 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 150 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 12,772 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 50,147 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,105 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 21 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,178 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 2,014 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 1,074 cases. It also confirms a total of 67 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 24,567 cases. It also confirms a total of 565 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 6,092 cases. It also confirms a total of 286 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 30 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,815 cases. It also confirms a total of 249 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 38,150 cases. It also confirms a total of 163 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 206,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,167 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 2,248 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 30,658 cases. It also confirms a total of 592 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 11 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 1,942 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 275,989 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,135 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 35,455 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,244 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 33,907 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,438 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 41,646 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,564 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 7,189 cases. It also confirms a total of 153 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 94,413 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 521 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Romania confirms a total of 26,313 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,612 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 641,156 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,166 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 900 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 19 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 42 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 29 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 713 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 393 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 182,493 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,551 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 6,586 cases. It also confirms a total of 157 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 14,046 cases. It also confirms a total of 270 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 77 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 1,427 cases. It also confirms a total of 60 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 43,459 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,664 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,581 cases. It also confirms a total of 111 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 2,894 cases. It also confirms a total of 90 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 138,134 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,456 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 12,757 cases. It also confirms a total of 282 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 1,966 cases. It also confirms a total of 36 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 248,770 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 2,037 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 9,258 cases. It also confirms a total of 572 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 467 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sweden confirms a total of 65,137 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,280 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 31,534 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,681 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 256 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 5,849 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,169 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 615 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 126 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,169 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 197,239 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,097 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 16 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 833 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 43,628 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,147 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 47,797 cases. It also confirms a total of 313 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 311,155 cases. It also confirms a total of 43,550 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 2,496,628 cases. It also confirms a total of 125,318 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 81 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 924 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 8,031 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 5,130 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 355 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 1,122 cases. It also confirms a total of 303 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,531 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 567 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise ship
Afghanistan confirms a total of 31,238 cases. It also confirms a total of 733 deaths.
Albania confirms a total of 2,466 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Algeria confirms a total of 13,273 cases. It also confirms a total of 897 deaths.
Andorra confirms a total of 855 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Angola confirms a total of 276 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Anguilla confirms a total of 3 cases.
Antigua & Barbuda confirms a total of 65 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Argentina confirms a total of 57,744 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,217 deaths.
Armenia confirms a total of 25,127 cases. It also confirms a total of 433 deaths.
Aruba confirms a total of 101 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Australia confirms a total of 7,686 cases. It also confirms a total of 104 deaths.
Austria confirms a total of 17,625 cases. It also confirms a total of 702 deaths.
Azerbaijan confirms a total of 16,424 cases. It also confirms a total of 198 deaths.
Bahamas confirms a total of 104 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Bahrain confirms a total of 25,705 cases. It also confirms a total of 83 deaths.
Bangladesh confirms a total of 137,787 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,738 deaths.
Barbados confirms a total of 97 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Belarus confirms a total of 61,475 cases. It also confirms a total of 383 deaths.
Belgium confirms a total of 61,361 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,732 deaths.
Belize confirms a total of 24 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Benin confirms a total of 1,149 cases. It also confirms a total of 16 deaths.
Bermuda confirms a total of 146 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Bhutan confirms a total of 76 cases.
Bolivia confirms a total of 30,676 cases. It also confirms a total of 970 deaths.
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius & Saba confirms a total of 7 cases.
Bosnia & Herzegovina confirms a total of 4,107 cases. It also confirms a total of 179 deaths.
Botswana confirms a total of 175 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brazil confirms a total of 1,313,667 cases. It also confirms a total of 57,070 deaths.
British Virgin Islands confirms a total of 8 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Brunei Darussalam confirms a total of 141 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Bulgaria confirms a total of 4,691 cases. It also confirms a total of 219 deaths.
Burkina Faso confirms a total of 959 cases. It also confirms a total of 53 deaths.
Burundi confirms a total of 170 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cabo Verde confirms a total of 1,155 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Cambodia confirms a total of 141 cases.
Cameroon confirms a total of 12,592 cases. It also confirms a total of 313 deaths.
Canada confirms a total of 103,032 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,516 deaths.
Cayman Islands confirms a total of 196 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Central African Republic confirms a total of 3,429 cases. It also confirms 45 deaths.
Chad confirms a total of 866 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Chile confirms a total of 271,982 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,509 deaths.
China confirms a total of 85,204 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,648 deaths.
Colombia confirms a total of 88,591 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,939 deaths.
Comoros confirms a total of 297 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Congo confirms a total of 1,245 cases. It also confirms a total of 60 deaths.
Costa Rica confirms a total of 2,979 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Cote d'Ivoire confirms a total of 8,944 cases. It also confirms a total of 66 deaths.
Croatia confirms a total of 2,691 cases. It also confirms a total of 107 deaths.
Cuba confirms a total of 2,332 cases. It also confirms a total of 86 deaths.
Curacao confirms a total of 23 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Cyprus confirms a total of 994 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Czechia confirms a total of 11,603 cases. It also confirms a total of 348 deaths.
Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms a total of 6,826 cases. It also confirms a total of 157 deaths.
Denmark confirms a total of 12,675 cases. It also confirms a total of 604 deaths.
Djibouti confirms a total of 4,643 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Dominica confirms a total of 18 cases.
Dominican Republic confirms a total of 31,373 cases. It also confirms a total of 726 deaths.
Ecuador confirms a total of 55,255 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,429 deaths.
Egypt confirms a total of 65,188 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,789 deaths.
El Salvador confirms a total of 5,934 cases. It also confirms a total of 152 deaths.
Equatorial Guinea confirms a total of 1,043 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Eritrea confirms a total of 191 cases.
Estonia confirms a total of 1,987 cases. It also confirms a total of 69 deaths.
Eswatini confirms a total of 781 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Ethiopia confirms a total of 5,689 cases. It also confirms a total of 98 deaths.
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) confirms a total of 13 cases.
Faroe Islands confirms a total of 187 cases.
Fiji confirms a total of 18 cases.
Finland confirms a total of 7,191 cases. It also confirms a total of 328 deaths.
France confirms a total of 156,156 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,700 deaths.
French Guiana confirms a total of 3,461 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
French Polynesia confirms a total of 62 cases.
Gabon confirms a total of 5,209 cases. It also confirms a total of 40 deaths.
Gambia confirms a total of 45 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Georgia confirms a total of 926 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Germany confirms a total of 193,761 cases. It also confirms a total of 8,961 deaths.
Ghana confirms a total of 17,351 cases. It also confirms a total of 112 deaths.
Gibraltar confirms a total of 177 cases.
Greece confirms a total of 3,376 cases. It also confirms a total of 191 deaths.
Greenland confirms a total of 13 cases.
Grenada confirms a total of 23 cases.
Guadeloupe confirms a total of 182 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Guam confirms a total of 240 cases. It also confirms a total of 5 deaths.
Guatemala confirms a total of 16,397 cases. It also confirms a total of 706 deaths.
Guernsey confirms a total of 252 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Guinea confirms a total of 5,342 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Guinea-Bissau confirms a total of 1,614 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Guyana confirms a total of 230 cases. It also confirms a total of 12 deaths.
Haiti confirms a total of 5,722 cases. It also confirms a total of 898 deaths.
Honduras confirms a total of 17,007 cases. It also confirms a total of 479 deaths.
Hungary confirms a total of 4,142 cases. It also confirms a total of 581 deaths.
Iceland confirms a total of 1,838 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
India confirms a total of 548,318 cases. It also confirms a total of 16,475 deaths.
Indonesia confirms a total of 54,010 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,754 deaths.
Iran confirms a total of 222,669 cases. It also confirms a total of 10,508 deaths.
Iraq confirms a total of 45,402 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,756 deaths.
Ireland confirms a total of 25,439 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,735 deaths.
Isle of Man confirms a total of 336 cases. It also confirms a total of 24 deaths.
Israel confirms a total of 23,457 cases. It also confirms a total of 318 deaths.
Italy confirms a total of 240,310 cases. It also confirms a total of 34,738 deaths.
Jamaica confirms a total of 686 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Japan confirms a total of 18,476 cases. It also confirms a total of 972 deaths.
Jersey confirms a total of 319 cases. It also confirms a total of 31 deaths.
Jordan confirms a total of 1,121 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Kazakhstan confirms a total of 21,327 cases. It also confirms a total of 183 deaths.
Kenya confirms a total of 6,070 cases. It also confirms a total of 144 deaths.
Kosovo confirms a total of 2,634 cases. It also confirms a total of 308 deaths.
Kuwait confirms a total of 44,942 cases. It also confirms a total of 348 deaths.
Kyrgyzstan confirms a total of 5,017 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Laos confirms a total of 19 cases.
Latvia confirms a total of 1,116 cases. It also confirms a total of 30 deaths.
Lebanon confirms a total of 1,740 cases. It also confirms a total of 33 deaths.
Lesotho confirms a total of 27 cases.
Liberia confirms a total of 768 cases. It also confirms a total of 34 deaths.
Libya confirms a total of 762 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Liechtenstein confirms a total of 83 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Lithuania confirms a total of 1,816 cases. It also confirms a total of 78 deaths.
Luxembourg confirms a total of 4,242 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Madagascar confirms a total of 2,078 cases. It also confirms a total of 18 deaths.
Malawi confirms a total of 1,152 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Malaysia confirms a total of 8,634 cases. It also confirms a total of 121 deaths.
Maldives confirms a total of 2,324 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Mali confirms a total of 2,147 cases. It also confirms a total of 114 deaths.
Malta confirms a total of 670 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Martinique confirms a total of 242 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Mauritania confirms a total of 3,907 cases. It also confirms a total of 120 deaths.
Mauritius confirms a total of 341 cases. It also confirms a total of 10 deaths.
Mayotte confirms a total of 2,540 cases. It also confirms a total of 35 deaths.
Mexico confirms a total of 212,802 cases. It also confirms a total of 26,381 deaths.
Moldova confirms a total of 16,250 cases. It also confirms a total of 533 deaths.
Monaco confirms a total of 99 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Mongolia confirms a total of 219 cases.
Montenegro confirms a total of 481 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Montserrat confirms a total of 11 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Morocco confirms a total of 12,052 cases. It also confirms a total of 221 deaths.
Mozambique confirms a total of 859 cases. It also confirms 5 deaths.
Myanmar confirms a total of 299 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Namibia confirms a total of 150 cases.
Nepal confirms a total of 12,772 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Netherlands confirms a total of 50,147 cases. It also confirms a total of 6,105 deaths.
New Caledonia confirms a total of 21 cases.
New Zealand confirms a total of 1,178 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Nicaragua confirms a total of 2,014 cases. It also confirms a total of 74 deaths.
Niger confirms a total of 1,074 cases. It also confirms a total of 67 deaths.
Nigeria confirms a total of 24,567 cases. It also confirms a total of 565 deaths.
North Macedonia confirms a total of 6,092 cases. It also confirms a total of 286 deaths.
Northern Mariana Islands confirms a total of 30 cases. It also confirms a total of 2 deaths.
Norway confirms a total of 8,815 cases. It also confirms a total of 249 deaths.
Oman confirms a total of 38,150 cases. It also confirms a total of 163 deaths.
*Other* confirms a total of 741 cases. It also confirms a total of 13 deaths.
Pakistan confirms a total of 206,512 cases. It also confirms a total of 4,167 deaths.
Palestine (occupied) confirms a total of 2,248 cases. It also confirms a total of 7 deaths.
Panama confirms a total of 30,658 cases. It also confirms a total of 592 deaths.
Papua New Guinea confirms a total of 11 cases.
Paraguay confirms a total of 1,942 cases. It also confirms a total of 15 deaths.
Peru confirms a total of 275,989 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,135 deaths.
Philippines confirms a total of 35,455 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,244 deaths.
Poland confirms a total of 33,907 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,438 deaths.
Portugal confirms a total of 41,646 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,564 deaths.
Puerto Rico confirms a total of 7,189 cases. It also confirms a total of 153 deaths.
Qatar confirms a total of 94,413 cases. It also confirms a total of 110 deaths.
Reunion confirms a total of 521 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Romania confirms a total of 26,313 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,612 deaths.
Russia confirms a total of 641,156 cases. It also confirms a total of 9,166 deaths.
Rwanda confirms a total of 900 cases. It also confirms 2 deaths.
Saint Barthelemy confirms a total of 6 cases.
Saint Kitts & Nevis confirms a total of 15 cases.
Saint Lucia confirms a total of 19 cases.
Saint Martin confirms a total of 42 cases. It also confirms a total of 3 deaths.
Saint Pierre & Miquelon confirms a total of 1 case.
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines confirms a total of 29 cases.
San Marino confirms a total of 713 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Sao Tome & Principe confirms a total of 393 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Saudi Arabia confirms a total of 182,493 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,551 deaths.
Senegal confirms a total of 6,586 cases. It also confirms a total of 157 deaths.
Serbia confirms a total of 14,046 cases. It also confirms a total of 270 deaths.
Seychelles confirms a total of 77 cases.
Sierra Leone confirms a total of 1,427 cases. It also confirms a total of 60 deaths.
Singapore confirms a total of 43,459 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Sint Maarten confirms a total of 78 cases. It also confirms a total of 19 deaths.
Slovakia confirms a total of 1,664 cases. It also confirms a total of 28 deaths.
Slovenia confirms a total of 1,581 cases. It also confirms a total of 111 deaths.
Somalia confirms a total of 2,894 cases. It also confirms a total of 90 deaths.
South Africa confirms a total of 138,134 cases. It also confirms a total of 2,456 deaths.
South Korea confirms a total of 12,757 cases. It also confirms a total of 282 deaths.
South Sudan confirms a total of 1,966 cases. It also confirms a total of 36 deaths.
Spain confirms a total of 248,770 cases. It also confirms a total of 29,045 deaths.
Sri Lanka confirms a total of 2,037 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sudan confirms a total of 9,258 cases. It also confirms a total of 572 deaths.
Suriname confirms a total of 467 cases. It also confirms a total of 11 deaths.
Sweden confirms a total of 65,137 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,280 deaths.
Switzerland confirms a total of 31,534 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,681 deaths.
Syrian Arab Republic confirms a total of 256 cases. It also confirms a total of 9 deaths.
Tajikistan confirms a total of 5,849 cases. It also confirms a total of 52 deaths.
Tanzania confirms a total of 509 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Thailand confirms a total of 3,169 cases. It also confirms a total of 58 deaths.
Timor-Leste confirms a total of 24 cases.
Togo confirms a total of 615 cases. It also confirms a total of 14 deaths.
Trinidad & Tobago confirms a total of 126 cases. It also confirms a total of 8 deaths.
Tunisia confirms a total of 1,169 cases. It also confirms a total of 50 deaths.
Turkey confirms a total of 197,239 cases. It also confirms a total of 5,097 deaths.
Turks & Caicos confirms a total of 16 cases. It also confirms a total of 1 death.
Uganda confirms a total of 833 cases.
Ukraine confirms a total of 43,628 cases. It also confirms a total of 1,147 deaths.
United Arab Emirates confirms a total of 47,797 cases. It also confirms a total of 313 deaths.
United Kingdom confirms a total of 311,155 cases. It also confirms a total of 43,550 deaths.
United States of America confirms a total of 2,496,628 cases. It also confirms a total of 125,318 deaths.
United States Virgin Islands confirms a total of 81 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
Uruguay confirms a total of 924 cases. It also confirms a total of 26 deaths.
Uzbekistan confirms a total of 8,031 cases. It also confirms a total of 22 deaths.
Vatican City (Holy See) confirms a total of 12 cases.
Venezuela confirms a total of 5,130 cases. It also confirms a total of 42 deaths.
Vietnam confirms a total of 355 cases.
Yemen confirms a total of 1,122 cases. It also confirms a total of 303 deaths.
Zambia confirms a total of 1,531 cases. It also confirms a total of 21 deaths.
Zimbabwe confirms a total of 567 cases. It also confirms a total of 6 deaths.
*Other* is The Diamond Princess, a cruise ship
30 June 2020 - From the Devex article:
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
"Total cases as of June 30: 10,302,052 and 505,505 deaths.
Six months have passed since WHO received the first reports from China of a cluster of cases of which was then only known as cases of pneumonia with an unknown cause.
The International Monetary Fund projects that real GDP will contract by 3.2% in sub-Saharan Africa, which is double the contraction that the fund estimated in April. This is the sharpest economic contraction in the region since the 1970s.
WHO plans to send a team to China to investigate the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, says Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the organization."
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report for the world:
10,434,835 cases 509,779 deaths
From the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Report in the US:
2,629,372 cases 127,322 deaths
2,680,000 cases 129,000 deaths (from the Google COVID-19 site)
Colorado COVID-19 Report:
32,715 cases 1,690 deaths (from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment)
A Tweet sent by Donald Trump from his @realDonaldTrump account today:
**** A definite MUST READ from Carl Bernstein:
News headlines from today:
- White House Was Warned About Potential Russian Bounties For Killing US Troops in Early 2019
- White House Insists Trump Reads His Intelligence Reports
- Trump Rally Scrapped Ahead of Sessions Primary
- What If Trump Loses and Refuses To Leave?
- After 53 Years of Marriage, a Texas Couple Died From COVID-19 While Holding Hands
- Judge Temporarily Blocks Publication of Tell-All Book By President Trump's Niece
- Trump Defends Racists in Monument Debate
- Mississippi Governor Signs Bill to Retire State Flag With Confederate Emblem
- People Are Calling For Museums to Be Abolished. Can Whitewashed American History Be Rewritten?
- What EU's New Border Rules Mean For Travel
- Dr. Fauci Warns of 100,000 New Cases of COVID-19 Each Day
- Ex-Atlanta Police Office Charged in Death of Rayshard Brooks Granted Bond
- Lori Vallow Daybell Faces More Charges After Her Children's Bodies Were Found
- Amber Fossils Unlock True Color of 99-Million-Year-Old Insects
- Dr. Fauci Says New Virus in China Has Traits of 2009 Swine Flu and 1918 Pandemic Flu
This information is updated daily...
* Look at other daily anowbo blogs for further news stories. *
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