Saturday, October 3, 2020

Is the Orange Shit-Gibbon Really Sick - Or Is All This A Trick?

 Since I first read (or heard) about Donald J. Trump back in the early 1980s, I thought that he was a disgusting bag of shit wrapped in human skin.  That perception of him has never changed. The only reason he has ever done anything is to  (1) be the center of attention, (2) make himself richer and (3) to feel more powerful than he actually is (or has been, or was).  
   He has always been a racist.  His Bavarian father and grandfather saw to that.  
   He has never had any sense of fiscal responsibility - the way casino businesses are set up is to make money, but he ran several of them into bankruptcy.  
   He has never had any respect for females.  His strings of playgirls, escorts, porn stars, and three wives - one of them an international pornography star (who, God help us all, is now the "First Lady of the United States" - or the First Whore, depending on whom you speak with).  He cheated on all of his wives, having extra-marital affairs at his whimsy.  
   He is a scum-feeding, piece-of-shit dirt bag whose shoes should never have touched the floors of the White House.  He is a disgrace to every thing that America represents.  
Trump arriving at Walter Reed on Friday -
Oh, my, look at how pale he is!  Didn't put on his orange make-up!

   Now he is *supposedly* hospitalized with an infection of SAR-CoV-2, or COVID-19.  The doctors treating him at - currently - Walter Reed Medical Center, issued a very confused and conflicting statement, through their "head doctor," Cmdr. Sean Conley.  He was asked questions by the press, and gave confused and confusing answers.  
   Since Trump has lied at all times since he first came into the public eye in the mid-1970s, I believe him and his goons as far as I can pick them up and throw them.
   Does he really have the SAR-CoV-2 virus?
   Does he have a completely different medical condition?
   Is he even, really, ill - or just hiding?
   The decrepit shit has never been a good or credible President.  Maybe he will just resign?
   Is this a way to try to get "the sympathy vote" 30 days before the 2020 Presidential election?
   Will "Doctors" suggest a vacation to recover in a country where there is no extradition?

I know I will be labeled as a Godless, hatred-filled person (having lost several cousins and more than 30 friends to COVID-19, after 45 long-decried it as "a Democratic Hoax" that will "disappear, like a miracle,"), I don't give a rat's ass.  I want one of two things:  I want that fucker to die, or I want him to lose the election, get indicted and tried for all of his nefarious deals and claims, get sent to prison, and then die in prison.

    That man is true evil on this planet.

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